fuzzi's Chicken Journal

I've had roosters do this too! lol Tidbitting oyster shell just like sometimes they rearrange the straw in the nest boxes and call them to look. I think they are trying to earn "brownie points". šŸ¤­
I love to watch them in the nesting boxes, they will arrange it just so and are proud of it too!!

Oh mine will tidbit tiny sticks, grit, oyster shell, whatever they think they can get away with!
It's hilarious, they find a stick and call the girls like it's something grand, they come running and see a stick and are like - You've got to be kidding me!! šŸ¤£
I love to watch them in the nesting boxes, they will arrange it just so and are proud of it too!!

Oh mine will tidbit tiny sticks, grit, oyster shell, whatever they think they can get away with!
It's hilarious, they find a stick and call the girls like it's something grand, they come running and see a stick and are like - You've got to be kidding me!! šŸ¤£
My hubby says he begging!:gig
I've been reading scads of conflicting information over in the feeding forum, so I thought I'd survey/ask those of you who visit my thread...

Do you supplement your feed with calcium?

If so, what type?

And when did you start offering calcium?


I offer oyster shell free choice all the time. I feed all-flock type feed because I have a mixed flock with juveniles and males so the ladies need calcium.

I also feed their eggshells back to them, dried and crushed.
Thank you, all. Sometimes I get overwhelmed with reading too much information!

I read here that hens don't need calcium until they start laying, but others say start feeding them oyster flakes at about 20 weeks. Some say feed them eggshells, others say to stick with sea shells.

I was thinking to start them on calcium soon. The Sussex are just over five months, the Dominiques are almost four months. I feed them starter/grow crumbles, but I feed some scraps such as tomato trimmings and melon rinds. This morning I fed them some tough Summer squash and they ate it all but the outer skin.



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