fuzzi's May (First Time With Shipped Eggs) Hatch-a-Long Thread, all are Welcome!

Rahab is still sitting on two faux eggs, but comes running out of the nesting box when I arrive with treats.

Martha didn't budge, not that I saw. She had a glazed look whenever I checked on her.

Tamar has been fairly faithful. I've seen her off the nest but the eggs are still warm, and I see her head back after food and drink.

Incubator occasionally rotates the eggs on its own, and when I push the button it moves a quarter turn.

Candling again on Day 14, tomorrow?

Then Lockdown on Day 18? Up the humidity at that time? I've been doing a dry incubation, humidity stays around 28-30%.
Day 14

Candled Incubator Eggs

2 - Not sure, dark areas
3 - Not sure, dark areas
8 - Not sure, dark areas
9 - Dark saddle (very dark)
11 - Movement, beak, feathers!!
12 - Movement!!

Flashlight Broody Eggs
1 - Not sure, dark areas
4 - Not sure, dark areas
5 - Not sure, dark areas
6 - Not sure, dark areas
7 - Not sure, dark areas
10 - Not sure, dark areas

Even using an LED flashlight I couldn't see more than dark and light areas in each egg.

The second egg I pulled out from underneath Tamar was totally clear! It had no number on it...someone laid it today when Tamar took a break.
Rahab is still sitting on two faux eggs, but comes running out of the nesting box when I arrive with treats.

Martha didn't budge, not that I saw. She had a glazed look whenever I checked on her.

Tamar has been fairly faithful. I've seen her off the nest but the eggs are still warm, and I see her head back after food and drink.

Incubator occasionally rotates the eggs on its own, and when I push the button it moves a quarter turn.

Candling again on Day 14, tomorrow?

Then Lockdown on Day 18? Up the humidity at that time? I've been doing a dry incubation, humidity stays around 28-30%.
Sounds like so far, so good. I thought most of the dry hatchers still reverted back to the normal 70% during lockdown though. :confused:
Wow article about hatching, by @Pyxis
These are what happening with my eggs( Though sadly I won't be able to see 6 of them hatch bc I'm selling them)

May 4th and 5th eggs, Developing

Both May 9th eggs, Developing

Both May 12 eggs Developing

May 18th and 19th, Nothing yet

All embryos are visible, alive and moving! Except the 2 new ones (still to early)

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