Fuzzy tail


Mother Hen
May 30, 2020
This is probably a dumb question but I am new to this chicken raising thing. My sweet Rosie who is right at 6 mths old has a really fuzzy saddle area and I m guessing she is the Rooster s favorite?


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There is no such thing as a dumb question when it comes to chickens. We were all newbies once! There was a time that I didn’t realize hens lay eggs without a rooster!!! So silly 😝
More than likely you are correct. Does she have a bald spot right behind her comb? If it gets worse, they actually make chicken saddles that protect their backs while the rooster is mating them. What’s your hen to rooter ratio? You may need to add more hens so he has other ladies to focus on.
There is no such thing as a dumb question when it comes to chickens. We were all newbies once! There was a time that I didn’t realize hens lay eggs without a rooster!!! So silly 😝
More than likely you are correct. Does she have a bald spot right behind her comb? If it gets worse, they actually make chicken saddles that protect their backs while the rooster is mating them. What’s your hen to rooter ratio? You may need to add more hens so he has other ladies to focus on.
We have 1 Rooster and 7 hens, so he could have his pick. But she is the most submissive I think. The rooster is a crested Polish and 3 red hens and 4 leghorns.


  • PXL_20201115_204903874.jpg
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You could give him a rooster pedicure trimming his claws and spurs and sanding them nicely afterwards, so no sharp ends scrap the hens feathers while being mounted by him.

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