Gaggle of Chinese Ostracizing a Roman Tufted - Help!

Did you contact kittydoc?

Yes, I did Miss Lydia. She's not familiar with geese or ducks - more knowledgeable on chickens from experience - still had some good suggestions. She'd shared a helpful meds chart. Thought of posting it here - I'll PM it to you first.
Yes, I did Miss Lydia. She's not familiar with geese or ducks - more knowledgeable on chickens from experience - still had some good suggestions. She'd shared a helpful meds chart. Thought of posting it here - I'll PM it to you first.
What about this snot sucker loks like that would really pull out the stuff in her sinus's if they have sinus I need to go look that up. I'm glad she was able to help some anyway. has your baby ate any thing yet?
The snot sucker was recommended by one of my nieces who has a two-year-old human child. She and another friend on FB said they are much better than the bulbs.

I see. Well, thanks for sharing the info, Amiga.
Sarah what antibiotic do you have her on? after reading that link sounds like the tetracyclines are the drug of choice, what did kittydoc say about antibiotic?
Didn't see her sleep a wink these past 2 days. Took her outside and she listened to the birds chirp and found a safe place under a chair. Then she crooked her neck and took a short nap!

Geese don't sleep like most animal's , they sleep by closing their eyes for a few seconds and opening their eyes seconds later so sleep is never a worry (the only time in their life when they sleep a lot is when they are goslings)
She likes the chicken's because they don't pick on her.
I don't even want to know what the snot sucker is! :hmm
What about this snot sucker loks like that would really pull out the stuff in her sinus's if they have sinus I need to go look that up. I'm glad she was able to help some anyway. has your baby ate any thing yet?

Thankfully she is eating - took a few gulps of corn and grains, didn't care for soft mash, paid no attention to the cukes, carrots, or lettuce - which she eagerly ate last week.
The other birds enjoyed the treat.

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