GAINESVILLE, FL~Seminar/show/sale~UPDATE 10/15/09-Map added pg. 1

we want the orange one w/white paws (he's for my mom)

Allright I will bring it...they are great kittens.


thanks so much!
So sorry about your Splash Jersey Giant Rooster.

Sometimes it just happens. I have had birds die on me too with no apparent reason. I have gone out and given the birds treat and gone back an hour later and found one dead. I'm guessing a heart attack. My husband said he read somewhere that on average people who raise chickens will loose 25% of their birds. It must be true because of my original flock I have lost 25% due to illness or whatever and predation. So far I haven't lost any of my younger birds.
Hi All Sorry we won't be able to make this swap. I was so looking forward to it too. My son is deploying soon and we have to go pick up his truck and car. The only time DH can make the trip is saturday so I will have to pass. Hopefully we can make the next one in November. Its alittle far but this is the second one I have had to pass up. Hope to see you all soon Micki
Please see update on Page 1.

We have had an enormous response from everyone (yeah!!! Thanks!!) and in order to appropriately accommodate everyone, we have changed the place of the sale/swap/show from the Ala. Co. Extension office to Highland Park Baptist Church. They have agreed for us to use the large grassy field adjacent to the church and we are very grateful!! This is less than a 5 minute drive from the extension office where the seminar will be held.

The seminar will still be at the extension office, will begin at 9:00 and is supposed to last until 1:00 according to the extension office personnel.

The sale/swap will begin at 9:30 for those of you are not attending the seminar. The "show" will begin as soon as the seminar ends and everyone is able to drive over.

Tomorrow we will post a map that will pinpoint both locations.

If you are wanting to show and prefer not to keep your birds in your vehicles at the extension office during the seminar, there will be several of us at the sale/swap site that will be happy to keep an eye on your birds for you. We will be erecting several tents for shade and the temperature is supposed to be around 76 degrees that day.

Be sure to bring chairs and any tables you might need. We will provide table for the show portion of the event.

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