GAINESVILLE, FL~Seminar/show/sale~UPDATE 10/15/09-Map added pg. 1

Yes Ma'am
I will be there
Darn, No goats this time

I loved those little things =]
We can make it after all. I will be bringing
2 standard white cochin cockerels
1 pair of standard gold laced polish
1 black australope cockerel
1 blue giant cockerel (actually two but one is going to Poultry haven)
think thats about it see everyone there We should be there around 10:30 11:00 Micki
With the help of my loving DH, I am loaded up and ready. Had to bathe my white silkie over again tonite. She decided to get her whole head dirty today!!! Blow drying at 9:00!!!!

Decided to get my heat lamps out tonite and put them in my nursery & kindergarten pens. Don't want my babies to get cold tonite!!

See everyone tomorrow!!Look forward to visiting with my peeps!!!
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Up and at em this morning. Didn't sleep much as usual. I always have trouble sleeping before something like this...I'm even worse before a big show!!!

Got a BIG cup of coffee and thinking what a cool crisp morning it is out there!!! Great for us!!!

See everyone there!!
I'm up and have to get everything caught aand caged it should be easy except for the guinea
I'll see everyone there. I'll probably be there before 9 =]

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