GAINESVILLE, FL~Seminar/show/sale~UPDATE 10/15/09-Map added pg. 1

here's some of my photos from today:

HappyChickenMama welcomes everyone!!

The unofficial BYC Chick-a-Dees--those who helped arrange today:
l-r: dixiechick (Denee), happychickenmama (Eshanne), Sheri Vickers (NPIP), sunshinesilkies (Vickie) and oldtimegator (Judy)

Winners' Circle:
l-r: Kailee (Jr Showmanship Champ), Jessica (Reserve Champ) with her blue wheaten & Shelton (Reserve Champ) with his rosecomb. Watch out if you go up against these young breeders...they'll kick your tailfeathers!!

more fun photos:

happychickenmama contemplating taking this strange and exotic rare mutant silkie...Best we could tell, it was a four legged blue eyed variety with an extended tail carriage. hmmm...handsome breed, but doesn't lay so well!


Sunshine silkies had some prized chicks there for sale. Lucky you if you were able to snag some of these beauties!

Cindy Kinard (judge) is the best! She really spent time with each bird discussing the pros and cons of each bird. We learned so much. As you can tell, she is the "Pied-Piper" of poultry knowledge...she has a parade of people soaking up her wisdom!

My favorite photo of the day! Happychickenmama's babies were allowed to visit the show. She nested them in the back seat so they could enjoy their day! LOVE THIS!!!
What a terrific group of kids these were. Very well behaved, all taking very good care of their chickens. It was wonderful watching them check their cages to make sure they have water, open the doors, and pet them and talk to them. I don't know who had more fun, the kids, or the adult "kids" watching them have a great day.

With the weather being upper 70's, you couldnt have asked for a better day. The judge was just wonderful, very patient with the kids, and giving her critiques in a very straightforward, understanding way. It was great.

Did I mention we had a super terrific day today?
Wow, what a wonderful day (I just got home about 30 minutes ago)! I learned some new things at the seminar, and I thoroughly enjoyed watching my first chicken show. Meeting everyone is always fun; it's great to be able to meet BYCers in person!
Vicki, thanks so much for the eggs; they'll be going in the bator with my shipped eggs tomorrow morning.
My daughter and I had a great time at the seminar and show today. We really learned a lot and met some very nice people. To top it off she got her birds, well I should say the first of her birds most likely.


She had a choice between some nice black Silkies from Oldtimegator and some blues from SunShineSilkies so we talked it over a for a while. I was sure she was going to go for the blacks as she'd be able to show them this year, but she surprised me when she went for the blues. She gave up showing this year so that she and the chicks could grow up together.

The birds are out in the brooder now. It's sized for fifty chicks so they've got an enormous amount of space roam in. They and my daughter are happy as clams.

It was great meeting everyone.

thanks to all who organized this and made this happen. It was a great day. I have sunburned face and am exhausted. Thanks to all who traded with me and bought from me today. I am getting 2 eggs from my seramas if anybody is interested. Thank you vicky for the babie silkie and the millies.....Thanks again to all and I am voting positive for the one for next year in the fall...It was a great time to all who attended
Here are a few pics that we got at the show. It was a great time and so nice to be able to meet people and put faces with names.

Here are some of the birds set up for the show

The judging has begun and everyone was eagerly awaiting the results

The judging was handled by Judge Cindy Kinard. She was just awesome with her detailed descriptions with each bird and what standards were to be met when showing.

And who could resist these little bundles of joy? These little Mille Fleurs from sunshinesilkies were what my wife and I brought home to add to our growing collection. Thank You Vickie
We had a great time! thanks to everyone who had a hand in putting this together, it was great! Learned a lot and really enjoyed ourselves.

Annikia the kitten is settled in w/my mom he's a sweet little guy!

I'll try to get my pics posted tomorrow.
I had a great time yesterday and learned a bunch. Thanks, ladies for organizing this. It was a long day, and I left early, after Cindy chose grand and reserve champs. My husband was calling me franticly to come home to our 3 yr old, but I 'unfortunately' left my cell phone in the car.

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