galvanized waterers


In the Brooder
12 Years
Dec 30, 2007
I am seeing some rust when i change the water. I bought a plasic one but they knock off the bottom when i hang it and fill it with shavings when i put it on the floor. Is the rust ok or should i throw the galv. one away and buy a new one?
It will be OK until it leaks. You can paint it to extend the life if you can get to the rusty spots. I'd use rustoleum or something like that. Just let it dry and then wash it off well before you use it.
I had a new waterer last year and it started rusting after two months of using it. So I got rid of it. I had an old waterer I had that didnt rust for a long time. Anything made in China, you can bet it is cheaply made material. I got rid of it.
they knock off the bottom when i hang it and fill it with shavings when i put it on the floor.

Set it up on some bricks or a wooden box to get it at about "back height" to the birds.​
Mine's rusting after only a couple of months too. I'm VERY disappointed - I thought since it was galvanized it wouldn't rust?
I place the tubs outside of the run /or cages. The bowls are usually raised up on bricks. I then cut a hole big enough for them to stick there heads thru and drink. Works great.

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