Gambel's Quail chicks not eating

sand man

7 Years
Jun 12, 2012
I have seven 2 week old gambels quail chicks that aren't eating enough. I also have a one week old pheasant chick with them. I've lost three chicks already and I'm not sure how to get them eating right. A few days ago after one died I bought live food which that ate and really seemed to be doing better since one that got out was much harder to catch the day after. When I ran out of live food, I tried moistening their food with water and when I first put it in they all seemed to be eating it but one died tonight. I just pulverized their food into a fine powder encase it was too big, put hard boiled egg yolk in, flightless fruit flies which are very small, and once again put damp food around the feeder. I've been using Purina Flock raiser feed since they were a week old, I was grinding it up before but maybe not enough. I don't think their dehydrated because they still have very watery droppings. Thanks for any help in advance.
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Maybe the pheasant chick is bullying the quail? I know you can't keep chicken and quail chicks together, because the chickens will kill the quail. Maybe the quail are too scared? Try putting the pheasant chick in another brooder.
I'm not sure its that, I've never ever seen the pheasant assert its dominance over a quail and its actually not much bigger than the quail are.

They do seem to be pecking at the food I powdered on the floor though it seems like they're still barely getting any because the food is so small. Maybe they are now but idk. I also got more waxworms and trying tomato now.

Pheasant in top left corner.

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