Gamble Quails WHAT AM I DOING WRONG???

They do better on wire floor outside in the fresh air as long as they are old enough. If the other ones were thin or not full when you picked them up its most likely what I think. Some bacteria in there intestine so yuo should treat them for that. For a least 3 to 5 days but don't not give a strong dose unless vet recommended! And maybe some boiled egg yolks mixed in to get them eating again. But not for more then 5 days or so.
Ok poop is brown and semi hard. Didn't see any bugs the six that I have felt pretty healthy not skinny but that could change. I measured the food, I have them on game bird feed 24% it doesn't look like they touched it I have it in a chicken feeder do they like it more in a bowl?? They are pecking on the side of the cage right now. Lol I made them a box and put leaves, sticks and more out door type materials. I'm gonna go grab some larger branches so they can have something to stand on. They are in a 3 foot high by 4 foot wide by 4 4 1/2 foot long box. No wire on the bottom. I have them in the garage. I do have a heating lamp but been keeping it off because its been pretty warm. Anything I should do. I think they are molting with the losing the feathers because when I examined them I could see new growth coming in. Skin looks really good not dry pink in color not dull or red. Two of them had dirty vents looks like there poop may have smeared on them since I put them in a pillow case so that I could clean out the cage. They are starting to get red heads where before they were dull and gray. There breathing seems to be ok. There they go again pecking at the box lol what does that mean?? No talking just pecking. OMG all of them are in the box of leaves branches etc. OMG they even took out some if the leaves lol. That's so funny ok off to get some branches.
Sounds like the ones that are left are pretty healthy. The thing that sends up a red flag is the heat lamp. Why are you still offering heat? 3 1/2 month olds do not need any heat, unless it is getting below zero. Adding heat at this age only make them sickly.

Doesn't sound like they have any intestinal issues, however they could have some other bacteria anywhere in their bodies. There is nothing wrong with keeping them on a solid floor as long as you keep it very clean. You have 16 square feet in this box and 6 birds. This is the bare minimum space you want for that amount of birds. So I am guessing your issues are stemming from keeping too many birds in a very small space, (Gambels need at least 4 square feet per bird) causing disease and mental stress, and you are not allowing them to develop properly with added heat.

I suggest you start them on some antibiotics. Duramycin is a good all around broad spectrum drug and will cover most gram negative and gram positive bacterias. It is mixed 1 teaspoon per gallon or water. It must be mixed fresh daily. Give this to them for 7 full days. After this duration, I suggest you get some probiotics and add this to the water for at least 2 weeks after. This will not only replace the good bacteria that was lost during treatment, but will boost the immune system for over all good health. Offer up probiotics once a week there after.

At this age they are also molting into their adult feathers. This can cause stress to the birds and coupled with the things above, they are probably a bit internally stressed. The birds are only as strong as their weakest link. They should be fine once you get them healthied back up.

Good luck!
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They do better on wire floor outside in the fresh air as long as they are old enough. If the other ones were thin or not full when you picked them up its most likely what I think. Some bacteria in there intestine so yuo should treat them for that. For a least 3 to 5 days but don't not give a strong dose unless vet recommended! And maybe some boiled egg yolks mixed in to get them eating again. But not for more then 5 days or so.
OK I caught them eating this morning, They REALLY blend in now that I have put the branches and what not in there box. I can't get them on wire floor until OH gets there new coop done. I didn't pick these guys up, I hatched all of them out myself.

What do you suggest for bacteria infection? Tractor supply did give me some antibotic to put in there water, Let me look up the name

Duramycin 10, Should I give them some of this stuff, I don't always trust the employees at Tractor supply.. Sorry..

I do spray inside and around there water dishes with OXINE, I believe this is suppose to help with bacteria?? Perhaps I should put a couple of drops in there water????
Sounds like the ones that are left are pretty healthy. The thing that sends up a red flag is the heat lamp. Why are you still offering heat? 3 1/2 month olds do not need any heat, unless it is getting below zero. Adding heat at this age only make them sickly.

Doesn't sound like they have any intestinal issues, however they could have some other bacteria anywhere in their bodies. There is nothing wrong with keeping them on a solid floor as long as you keep it very clean. You have 16 square feet in this box and 6 birds. This is the bare minimum space you want for that amount of birds. So I am guessing your issues are stemming from keeping too many birds in a very small space, (Gambels need at least 4 square feet per bird) causing disease and mental stress, and you are not allowing them to develop properly with added heat.

I suggest you start them on some antibiotics. Duramycin is a good all around broad spectrum drug and will cover most gram negative and gram positive bacterias. It is mixed 1 teaspoon per gallon or water. It must be mixed fresh daily. Give this to them for 7 full days. After this duration, I suggest you get some probiotics and add this to the water for at least 2 weeks after. This will not only replace the good bacteria that was lost during treatment, but will boost the immune system for over all good health. Offer up probiotics once a week there after.

At this age they are also molting into their adult feathers. This can cause stress to the birds and coupled with the things above, they are probably a bit internally stressed. The birds are only as strong as their weakest link. They should be fine once you get them healthied back up.

Good luck!
Well I guess that is one probably, I was told when the temp gets below 40 Turn on the heating lamp and it was getting below 40 at night so that's when I was turning on the heating lamp. OMG, That would explain somethings.. I guess I can blame my Husband, he was suppose to get this coop done BEFORE they hatched out and here we are 3 1/3 months later and still NOT done. I would do it myself but I'm not talented enough to use power tools. My job is to clean, his job is to build. LOL

There new coop is going to be 8 Feet high and 4 feet wide. and 7 feet Long, that should be way plenty for 6 of them RIGHT??

I'm really angry with myself about the heating lamp, you see I read on a site they can't tolerate coldness under 40, and Since they are known to be the Arizona Bird, that would make total since to me to provide them with heat. But your saying unless it's below 0 don't provide the heat. GOOD TO KNOW.. THANK YOU.. OMG...


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Gambels quail live out here in our deserts as well. It regularly gets down to 20 degrees and below at night. So no heat is needed unless it turns brutal. Too much heat will weaken their immune systems. Just like as if you stayed inside in a house with the heat cranked up to 80 degrees all the time during the winter, and then you tried to go outside. It would be a shock to the system. Along with this 80 degrees, if you were stuffed in the house with a bunch of people, way too crowded in, somebody is going to get sick. No doubt cause everybody to get sick. I think this is what is going on with your birds.

So by dropping the heat situation, giving them more space, they will become more healthy birds.

Gambels are gorgeous breeds to keep. They can be a bit of a challenge however an do need extra attention than other breeds of quail. You will do fine. :)

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