Game Rooster laying an egg

Hey guys! :frow

As we all know, this is a family friendly forum, and the moderators don't want any arguing. :) With this topic, please just keep your opinions to yourselves - or share them in a nice, polite way. I don't know what I think of I'll keep my opinion to myself.

I'm not blaming anyone, I'm just trying to keep things calm for the forum's sake. Thanks all and have a wonderful day! :D
What are you talking about? No one is arguing. Debate is part of conversation. That’s what is happening. It’s all good.
It seemed at if the conversation was getting pretty hot, so I decided just to try to cool things down before it got bad. :) I care about you guys, and I don't want to getting a penalty - or worse: getting banned!
All I asked was where did the posters information come from. Don't say it if you can't back it up with actual facts
Asking for proof is not trying to argue
Or maybe it is here

As I said before, I'm not trying to blame or pick on anyone. :)
Wow! It's cool that you was able to get that on camera! It's rare, but some roosters do lay eggs.
As it turns out I myself have a chicken that we completely thought was a male that just might be laying eggs. Come long feathers crows everyday and tries to mate with other chickens and that's why he was returned to me. When I gave him to the lady we originally thought it was a she. But I'm investigating this further to find out exactly what's going on with this bird. I'll keep this site posted if anyone's interested

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