Game (wild) Rooster has thick yellow mucos from nostrils

Guinea Goonie

Roosting Elsewhere
12 Years
Sep 2, 2008
Peace Valley in Howell County Missouri

My ONLY Game rooster has been sick for over 2 days now. The other game (wild) hens are over there "cold" and running hard. However, the Roo is still in the woods. He seems to be better, but a thick, yellow mucos has run from his nostrils now for well over 2 days. I have put Linco-Stectin in a community waterer (so everyone will drink it) and they all seem to be doing better. Some were never affected. I only guessed at the cure, it is sooo hard to know the correct diagnosis.

Any help on a clue with this would be appreciated.
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The Roo was out and about again this day. He still has watery eyes, but he is eating, drinking and doing th ROO thing. My research to this problem brought me to these websites. I can not tell you how relieved I am to see this guy up and going.

A few of the other older chickens still have the sickness. One day soon I plan on throwing them all out and disenfecting the chicken barn. This will be quite the chore. I really need a diagnosis to this problem. The three diseases; LARYNGOTRACHEITIS,
INFECTIOUS BRONCHITIS, INFECTIOUS CORYZA and the fungus, UPPER RESPIRATORY FUNGAL INFECTION are probably in the ball park. The secondary infection of M. gallisepticum (MG) may also have played a part here.

I am watching the flock very carefully, especailly at night when they are all roosting. I really would like to vaccinate any birds that will go into the flock. I have a few ready in the nursery now, but i STILL need a diagnosis.

I guessed on Coryza and bought antibiotics for this. I may have gotten lucky, I do not know.
All poultry, unless raised in a hermetically sealed environment have "MG"/CRD bugs in em. It is just impossible to keep them from it if they are exposed to wild birds and you do not vaccinate for the stuff. Viruses like inf. bronchitis are quite prevalent this time of year with the molt, the change in seasons and the masses of migrating birds and waterfowl. Without a lab analysis of what exactly it is, your guess is as good as any of ours. Vaccinating now may be shutting the barn door after the horse is already out. But it sounds like you are well on your way for breeding for resistence since the flock seems to be recovering on their own with your suppliments. Good luck with your birds...
Since it seems that a lot of folks are going through "the flock with a cold", here is an update.

This morning the ROO was sick agian, although not near as bad. I isolated him and this time put tetrcycline in his water and the community waterer.

He drank for most of the day and this evening I let him out and he ate for a good while. I went to the barn for the final check (the silkes seem to find a place to hide and they need to be put away in the wire stalls) and the ROO was on the rafters with his head turned around sound asleep.

Tomorrow is another day. I will keep you informed.
BTW, I intend to get to the bottom of this. I am a trained Scientist. I will somehow find out how to culture this and determine the identiy of the bug.

I find chickens one of the most fascinating creatures on the face of this earth. Like one of my colleagues stated. " I thought I was busy until I watched the chickens".
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From what I have researched and heard on this forum, a chicken does not get a cold, it gets a viral infection. Diagnosing the infection is quite difficult. However, knowing that a bacteria will take on a life of its own in a weakened host I went forth with the antibiotics. I use two. One on day and the other the next and then none the third day. Use only the prescribed amount and watch your babies carefully. Be sure to isolate them in a warm and confortable place. Give them plenty of water with the antibioitic and change this every 12 hours. The two I use are common ones. Tetracycline and the Lincomycin-Spectimycin from the local feed store. I had to go the chicken barn every two hours and put the water/antibiotic down my ROO for about a day. He was in REALLY bad shape.

Today he was out with his hens free ranging and drinking regular water. I dreaded going to the barn in the morning expecting the ROO to be dead, he suprised me. What I understand is the game birds (I call them wild) are more susceptable to desease.
Gamefowl are not more susceptible to disease. On the contrary, gamefowl are more disease resistent then your average barnyard fowl. Now if you are talking game birds like quail, grouse, etc., yes they are harder to raise than chickens due to mineral requirements and disease prevention. Gamefowl(poultry) have for generations been allowed to select for vitality, whereas your fluffy/production chickens have been selected more towards show standards, laying qualities and visual characteristics first. The gamefowls strength and vigor is one reason many of the breeds we have today were created with the addition of gamefowl of some sort. (RIR, cornish, brahma, etc...)

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