Gander deaf


May 5, 2016
I have just found my two year old Sebastopol gander dead when opening the shed this morning, he was bleeding from his nose and mouth and no other sign if injury, he was find yesterday evening he lives with the flock he hatched with and his parents five females and he was one of three boys, anybody any idea what may have caused this? So upset many thanks!
Hi no I don't think so, they have all got along together really well even when they were shut indoors last winter because of bird flu risk they were all well behaved. I'm wondering if he had eaten something sharp.
Maybe they are notorious for picking up things with their bills I pulled bird netting out of my gooses mouth once. She had already started swallowing it.

Only way to know for sure would be doing a necropsy.
"Only way to know for sure would be doing a necropsy"

I second this. If you're not comfortable with it can you at least look in his mouth and see if you see anything? Can you feel anything in the neck?

Sorry about your loss that must have been sad to find.
So very sorry for your loss. If your not comfortable opening the Bird my suggestion is an automotive snake cam. My hubby is a mechanic we used this in a similar situation just slide through mouth it has a light and attached to screen if there is something in there you will see it. Also most come with a grabbing tool attached so you can remove what is there. (Works well for living birds to if they've been naughty and eaten something they should not have) Thoughts are with you
Thank you for your replies, I have spoken to our vet this afternoon and he thinks he had eaten something sharp. We have had building work going on and think maybe something was dropped near the field and as they are so inquisitive maybe that's what happened. Unfortunately a bit late for me to do anything now I did try to open his beak but it was locked shut and I couldn't feel anything in his neck. I have buried him now. Rip young gander !
Poultry of all kinds have a real fascination with anything shiny. And, like dogs, live on the philosophy that if it fits in my mouth it probably is food. Sounds like, with work going on, there is a pretty good chance that he ate something. Check around and make sure anything that is sharp and especially shiny is out of their area. While there is always the chance that a fight occurred between your birds I think it would be pretty unlikely that they caused his death.

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