Gapeworm or Heart Failure??



Sep 23, 2020
I have a almost 4 month old bantam who is gasping. It started about a week ago with a small chest rattle, and he has been gasping like this for about 3 days now. I have brought him inside and provided vetRX (initially thinking it was respiratory), but looking him over, he has no other symptoms than the gasping. Occasionally his comb is purple, but mostly red like in the video. Do you think it's gapeworm, heart failure, or something else?

Poo is normal, he is eating and drinking great, weight is good. And he remains active when I take him outside to sun bathe, he pecks and scratches and then gasps. Please let me know what treatment options you think we should try, he is my son's pet and the only bantam we have. Thanks!
Gapeworm is not that common, but If you are wanting to treat for Gapeworm, then use Fenbendazole (Safeguard) or Albendazole (Valbazen).

Fenbendazole (Safeguard) dose is 0.23ml per pound of weight given orally once a day for 5 days.

Albendazole (Valbazen) dose is 0.08ml per pound of weight given orally once then repeat in 10 days.

I would still look inside his beak for obstruction, lesions, canker, etc.

It's possible he may have a respiratory illness. Tylan is what I would use if you feel he needs an antibiotic.

Something wrong with the heart is another thought. If that's the case, then I don't think there's a lot that can be done. I'd let him do his thing and chicken as long as he can while giving supportive care. Seeing that he's not stressed, he's eating/drinking well, lice/mite free, crop emptying etc.
Gapeworm is not that common, but If you are wanting to treat for Gapeworm, then use Fenbendazole (Safeguard) or Albendazole (Valbazen).

Fenbendazole (Safeguard) dose is 0.23ml per pound of weight given orally once a day for 5 days.

Albendazole (Valbazen) dose is 0.08ml per pound of weight given orally once then repeat in 10 days.

I would still look inside his beak for obstruction, lesions, canker, etc.

It's possible he may have a respiratory illness. Tylan is what I would use if you feel he needs an antibiotic.

Something wrong with the heart is another thought. If that's the case, then I don't think there's a lot that can be done. I'd let him do his thing and chicken as long as he can while giving supportive care. Seeing that he's not stressed, he's eating/drinking well, lice/mite free, crop emptying etc.
Thanks! I have some safeguard for goats. I'll start him on that, just in case. I don't have Tylan, but might be able to get some from TSC later. Can I give him both at the same time?

I didn't see anything in his mouth/throat and I don't think it's respiratory, but I don't know for sure. I held my ear to his chest and didn't hear anything, and no runny nose, or eyes. So I don't know if Tylan could help, but maybe. At this point, I don't think he will go on for much longer. The gasping is about every 5-10 seconds. He can't sleep through the night due to it. So my thoughts is sort of throw the kitchen sink at him and see if it helps, because he will die otherwise. 😥
Thanks! I have some safeguard for goats. I'll start him on that, just in case. I don't have Tylan, but might be able to get some from TSC later. Can I give him both at the same time?

I didn't see anything in his mouth/throat and I don't think it's respiratory, but I don't know for sure. I held my ear to his chest and didn't hear anything, and no runny nose, or eyes. So I don't know if Tylan could help, but maybe. At this point, I don't think he will go on for much longer. The gasping is about every 5-10 seconds. He can't sleep through the night due to it. So my thoughts is sort of throw the kitchen sink at him and see if it helps, because he will die otherwise. 😥
Yes, you can give the Tylan and Safeguard at the same time.
Dose for Tylan50 is 0.25ml per pound of weight given orally 3 times a day for 5 days in case you find it at TSC and need dosing info.

Poor little guy! Doesn't sound too good does it?😩

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