Gasping for air, dark comb, bubbles in eye

Nov 3, 2023
Today we noticed our rooster, Rohan not doing well. He is gasping for air, his comb is dark (not so vibrant red), has bubbles in one eye. We have history of marek's disease in our current flock and our flock is closed (no longer adding to flock since disease)
Rohan has been separated from flock, we put fresh water with rooster booster poultry cell, given warm Vet Rx orally and put on nose/beak, comb and under wings.

We checked for lice, mights, gapeworm, his face is now swollen that we can tell.

Any advice is appreciated and thank you in advance. I am unable to take him to the vet as my husband will not allow me to take any more birds to the vet.
**Please see video below to assess.


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Poor guy is really gasping hard. He definitely is not getting enough oxygen to his lungs and heart. Have you wormed him recently, and with what? Can you look into his beak around the inside and tongue for any foreign body, mucus or yellow material? I would try to make him comfortable if possible, and try to get him to drink fluids. How long has this been going on? Let us know if he improves or gets worse.
Poor guy is really gasping hard. He definitely is not getting enough oxygen to his lungs and heart. Have you wormed him recently, and with what? Can you look into his beak around the inside and tongue for any foreign body, mucus or yellow material? I would try to make him comfortable if possible, and try to get him to drink fluids. How long has this been going on? Let us know if he improves or gets worse.
I know.. I feel so bad.. we only noticed it yesterday. We have not worked him lately but down his throat I was able to take a better look today and there is some yellow mucus looking stuff stuck to the left of his throat.
Oh goodness, that's not good!
My hen had the same breathing thing going on when she had congestive heart failure!
Go to this chicken symptom checker link to find out what it is!
I hope he feels better!

Thank you, that was very helpful. It is looking like wet fowl pox.. the pictures it showed inside the mouth look very similar to Rohans.
Poor guy is really gasping hard. He definitely is not getting enough oxygen to his lungs and heart. Have you wormed him recently, and with what? Can you look into his beak around the inside and tongue for any foreign body, mucus or yellow material? I would try to make him comfortable if possible, and try to get him to drink fluids. How long has this been going on? Let us know if he improves or gets worse.

Using a link someone sent below, wet fowl pox looks to be the problem, the picture of the throat looks similar to Rohans.. I would really like your opinion, if you don’t mind. In his condition, do you recommend culling? I do not want him to suffer.. I really don’t want to lose him because I love him so much.. but I want to put him first and do what’s best for him. Also for the rest of my flock, is there anything I can do to prevent others from getting the same? I will be getting mosquito proof netting to put around their run to prevent them from bringing things in. We get a lot of them in our area.

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