Geese and chicken eggs in the bator! Any tips?

I have no clue on your chances of a hatch. I am equally as clueless on my own.

I have 12 in the bator and plan to candle them thursday night to see what I can see!
how long have they been in your bator for?

When do you think I should candle mine?

I've never incubator hatched any geese, so do you have any suggestions for me?

We're supposed to get a bad ice storm tomorrow,
& the weatherman said we could loose power...
well... I have 8 eggs IN THE INCUBATOR!!!!
what do I do if we loose power?!
good luck. I have 9 goose eggs in the bator right now. As of last night I candled and 6 were doing something. 2 had burst air sacs and one just wasn't developing. If I get 4 I will be tickled pink!
If you loose power I would try to wrap the incubator in blankets and keep it as warm as possible!

I candled my goose eggs at day 10 and had good luck with seeing stuff. I had candled around day 5 just out of curiosity and couldn't tell much.

My seb. goose eggs hatched out at 28 days
I was told the more humidity the better. I have mine set at 60% and I was told to crank it up even more at day 25 to 75%!!
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I lost power due to an ice storm last year. Do you have a cooler? Do you have a woodstove or propane grill?
I put my eggs in a cooler with a couple of jars of hot water and covered them with a towel inside the cooler and a towel over the cooler with a thermometer inside overnight. I was able to heat water on the wood stove and kept checking the temp in the cooler. I was able to keep the eggs warm enough that I had a decent hatch out. Remember-hens allow a cooling off period each day when they get off the nest to eat and relieve themselves. If you keep the temp at least 95-98 for a few hours or overnight, you'll probably be OK. Try not to get below that or too hot for that matter. I remember not getting much sleep!
Good luck!
Chris in Maine

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