Number 2 is out!!
#3 is zipping!!
After this one, I am going to have to open the Brinsea and clear out the old shells and stuff. With six eggs and 3 geese already hatched and an extra thermomiter/hygrometer and sponges, there is NO ROOM!! They can't get out of their shells or move. I hate to do it, but I know they aren't going to progress anymore if I don't.
Ok, so it has been over 24 hours since we have started the hatching journey and 3 are out, 2 are trying, one is pipped. So I quickly opened the bator, pulled the spent shells out, and the thermometer to make room. Since I know it would affect humidity, I broke a few pieces of shell that were in the way of #4 & 5, and helped poor #6 who hadn't made much progress, to make sure he was still alive and had air. Then added hot water and closed it up again.

Within minutes, #4 & 5 were pushing out of their egg!! Number 6 is still sitting there, but at least I know he is ok, I will probably have to keep checking on him now, since his membrane will dry out around him because I opened the bator. I loved this new Brinsea but it is crowded for 6 geese!

Pictures coming soon!

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