Geese & Chickens - Can they live together?

At what age would you allow the geese to free range? My Sebbies are 6weeks old, they have been in the run enjoying outside life for a week or so now but I think they are too young yet to free range. When will I know?
If they have parents they will do fine, if not I would wait until they're at least 3 months old and feathered, unless your outside with them. I get my babies out on grass as soon as possible when the weather is good.
Guess you got good answers, but I'll put my two cents in anyway.
We have 15 chickens and 6 geese and 2 turkeys. They free range all day and sleep together in a coop at night, and everybody gets along just fine.
i wondered the same thing, what about just keeping my 2 baby geese in a large cage with my baby chicks just until everyone is big enough to go on the ground, i assume they eat the same starter and grower.
I don't keep baby waterfowl with chicks simply because waterfowl are slobs and get water everywhere. I don't keep them together as adults because of the drowning risk. Even if the waterfowl don't hold them under, chickens can drown in a pool.
I just got 2 baby geese to raise with my chickens and the feed store said to use the flock raiser rather than the chick starter since the baby chicks are a month old and the geese 2 days, something about the geese needing 20%??? (protien?) so you might check on that, I give my hens the layer pellets and will have to ask about that when they get to putting them together, so far my 18 chicks think that I put 2 scary monsters in their brooder...LOL, hopefully they will be friends soon.
Mine live together. They do fine, one of the chickens tails got chewed off due to the gander, but the rest are fine. I had originally planned on letting the geese in the coop under the roosts, but my husband didn't install a poop I didn't want my geese getting pooped on from above, so I built them their own 3.5 sided shelter, but they they still choose to go in with chickens sometimes.

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