Gender and Breed Help for a Newbie


Jun 14, 2016
We have our fist set of backyard chickens and are sure (at least) one of them is a roo but are getting mixed feedback on which one! We have two americaunas and not sure what our little golden one is. We are sure one of our Americaunas is a roo. Any help would be appreciated! Thank you!

I agree with the above posts. They are all gorgeous!

That's what I was afraid of. She ...he is so beautiful!!! We can't keep him in town but had a friend who really wanted him! We thought this one was a boy too? It's been so slow at getting its feathers and my husband swears he's seen it try to crow. What does Easter Egger mean? Thank you all so much, we have fallen in love with these three!

That's what I was afraid of. She ...he is so beautiful!!! We can't keep him in town but had a friend who really wanted him! We thought this one was a boy too? It's been so slow at getting its feathers and my husband swears he's seen it try to crow. What does Easter Egger mean? Thank you all so much, we have fallen in love with these three!

That so far appears to be a pullet, though EEs can be tricky.

An Easter Egger is typically a multigenerational Ameraucana hybrid. They are frequently missold as pure Ameraucanas.

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