Gender??? **More pics added on pg. 3***

Lauree: thank you for posting these. Wonderful information that most don't explain.
Teapot 10: thank you for asking the question. It was very informative and a great chuckle.
I love the head feathers, they remind me of how my grandfather wore his hair in the 60's!
I want one of those birds!
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Just for reference, here is a pic of my sizzles at 6 months. Both still have small combs and waddles.


It could still be a girl... both my EE and my silkie hens have the characteristics your does... now if more "male feathers" some in I'll change my guess but all my girls have feathers here and there that look male but are obviously not! Has a girly face right now.... one of my EE had a comb and waddle bigger than all of my males so.... once you mix the two, which im sure its and EExSilkie.... you never know....

I'm making this same cross right now and also so me RIR silkie.. maybe ill have more input after this year!
I tried to get some more pictures today but he/she wasn't cooperating, the waddles look even bigger to me in just a couple of days...hopefully I'll have some new ones tomorrow. I would be really happy if he's a he...I'm pretty sure all 28 others that I have are female...a roo as handsome as him would be lots of fun
Okay, so went back out to try and get some more pictures of Bandit..maybe one of these will help me get a more definite answer on his/her gender.
Thank you in advance everyone for your help.





I still say roo.

He's got some super-pointy feathers coming in. Right in the middle of his back. In a month they will hang down. Plus that tail feather looks even longer now

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