Gender of my CochinX chicks


8 Years
Dec 25, 2011
Please let me know what you think.

1-4 were 7 weeks old yesterday.

5-10 are 11 weeks old this wednesday.

In my very inexperienced opinion, all are pullets except 3,5 and 6..?


What only 4?? They all have the same dad and there are only 3 mothers, 2 of which have the same size comb and wattles as the rooster, does that matter?
Gah that sucks if there are only 4 pullets!!
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I have to agree. It looks like 4 pullets & yes that sucks. They look like you should still be able to get a few $ for them at a farmers market. The dark red of the comb is how you can tell the roos. Pretty birds
Even though they are 11 weeks old? I had thought that their combs were pretty small for their age, oh well what can you do.
Can you always tell by the redness?
It's also the size of the wattles that counts, Cockerels develop wattles much faster than pullets. The redness is a big factor too, Cockerels get redder sooner than pullets.
oh well. I've got 50 chicks coming from the hatchery in a few weeks so hopefully i'll get more hens

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