

In the Brooder
6 Years
Oct 5, 2013
I've got a couple golden laced wyandottes that I'd like to sex. We swear we've heard one of them crow, but we're hoping we at least have one pullet! As far as I can tell it looks like one of their tails is a little more flat and the others points up. And maybe one's comb is more red than the other?

Have patience. Your first post was just 45 minutes ago.

Both Wyandottes are cockerels. Comments on each photo posted below.

I've got a couple golden laced wyandottes that I'd like to sex. We swear we've heard one of them crow, but we're hoping we at least have one pullet! As far as I can tell it looks like one of their tails is a little more flat and the others points up. And maybe one's comb is more red than the other?

Only pullet is on far left. Welsummer?

Both cockerels.


Cockerel in front EE pullets in back.

Both cockerels.

Two cockerels on right one pullet far left.

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