Generations of love- a chicken story

my face is glued to the screen waiting for more!!!!
haha woops sorry lost track of time okay....

chapter 14

"Wake up!" Faith nudged the sleeping chicks "wake up!"
Trickster slowly opened his eyes.
"huh?" he moaned "I'm tired"
"A fox is near! we gotta go!"
Sympathy jumped up "I'm awake! let's go!"
Trickster and sympathy jumped on to their mothers back. The flock moved out. They headed over a hill and towards a small stream.
"OOOOH!! trickster said thirstily
"Water!" Sympathy exclaimed
All the chickens stopped for a drink. the chicks little feet tapped with joy as they drank. They had to cross the river to get into the forest where they could hide. The flock jumped from stone to stone to cross.
once they were across the ran into the protection of the trees.

Trickster and sympathy looked up into the trees with awe. they saw all of the wild birds and their chicks. They saw the wild spiders in the bushes, and the wild frogs in the shrub. It was a new place unlike they had ever seen before.
As the sky grew dark they heard the wild crickets sing their good nights and the wild frogs croak a lullaby. The wild spiders settled into their webs, but where would the "wild" chickens sleep tonight?
"up in the trees! like the other wild birds!" trickster suggested
the flock agreed and they all flew to a low branch to sleep.

to be continued
chapter 15

Sympathy awoke to feathers flying. Everyone was gone! They must have left her behind! she jumped down from the tree branch terrified.
She ran down the forest path as fast as she could. She ran for what felt like miles till she could hardly breath. She couldn't find the flock any where.
she heard a small voice say
"sympathy! Help!"
It was Trickster sitting on top of a big lump of feathers.
Trickster sniffled "she needs help!'

to be continued

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