Genetics, breeds and chick weights


Apr 17, 2021
Hey guys
Backstory: last year I crossed my black australorp rooster to my Isa brown hens.
I got 1 rooster and 3 hens from the mix. All 4 of these chicks were white with black spots. With age the black has disappeared and been replaced with either more white or brown around the face or a saddle on my rooster.
anyway, this chick (in photos) just hatched has a few black spots im assuming are from the australorp rooster ("grandfather," not alive) and yet is showing more red.

Looking up breed background on Isa Browns, it says RIR or RIW are typically bred with other breeds.
I'm wondering what your thoughts are for 1 gen being white with limited red genetics but this chick showing more red at hatch.
also, I'm looking for RIR and RIW hatch weights because I'm curious to compare notes
This one weighed in at 14g.

Ultimate goal was a bigger meat bird that layed Isa Brown sized eggs (which the 3 hens currently come in at 6 lbs and the rooster st 9.12 lbs. Australorp eggs are too small and the Isa isn't good for meat.
(Aware I could buy heritage breed and I've got BCMs but they're over 16 weeks and they're still tiny by comparison and im not liking the food aggression coming from the Cornish. Need/wanted middle ground).

I am a huge fan of weighing newly hatched chicks! Unfortunately, I don't breed RIRs or RIWs, so I have no idea how much they should weigh.

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