Genetics people I need Help!

Go to contact her at the bottom of the listing menu.

I think she can be a big help with the barnevelders.

I got her name off of a dark egg forum and contacted her once last weekend...she is on vacation but did respond on my inquiry about eggs. She seemed very pleasant and knowing on the forum I found her through.

She can more than likely supply those (of good quality) or maybe put you in touch with someone who has a mature roo.

My only inquiry with her was about purchasing eggs...while I don't want to hatch and brood over the winter if I were doing this I would have to so that next summer I would have a mature breeding age male. I did not tell her my plan or hope was to mix two breeds to obtain (after a long road of trial and a coveted gold laced orpington.

My inquiry here before that about barnevelders did not get any responses... she has some that are not hatchery stock and I think that is a big plus.

This is soooooo exciting !!

Yeah!!! I am glad you are excited too! and if I read carefully you plan on working on them to? If so I think that it is wonderful! We should start a GLO Club or something. I am so excited.

Well I gave up my plan of hoping to make a foreign friend who would ship me I envisioned prison term for smuggling

So I finally starting working on my connection for a good barnevelder and that is how far I have gotten. Then when you said you were going to work on it I thought well see I won't have to do it...but the problem with that is WE will need more than one

I find it hard to believe that somebody in this country isn't already way ahead of us on this project...

The ebay eggs are just killing me I want to bid sooooooo badly...LMAO !!!

So I'm leaning towards trying but that is as far as I have gotten so far. Time isn't something I have a lot of (I'm at work during most of my posts I don't get any lunch or breaks during the day so when it is slow I go online to compensate during my 9-10 hrs here.) and this will take time and space.

I homeschool my son and already planned on doing an incubator project for him to log and chart... guess he could do barnie eggs

Julie =0)
I work all the time to but I still think I am going to try. I am with you, some one in the US has to be doing these but since they won't make themselves known I guess we will just have to take matters into our own hands.
Hi - let me introduce myself as I have just joined. My name is Teresa from England and I am Orpington mad. I keep Gold Laced and Blue Laced Orpingtons and my understanding is that they may have been developed by outcrossing from a buff Orp to a SINGLE COMB wyandotte - the laced Wyandottes have such good lacing. Single Comb Wyandottes are often culled so if you want to look out for one it would be a good idea to ask breeders in advance. Why develop your own though? How easy would it be for me to send you some hatching eggs next season? I would be hoping at the same time to obtain some silver laced Cochin eggs, which I believe you have in the US but we do not have here in England.

Does anyone on the forum know how easy (or difficult) it would be to ship eggs? We are still improving the Gold Laced Orps - they do not yet measure up to the standards of the old established birds like the blacks, buffs and blacks, but they are getting there and are beautiful birds nonetheless.
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Wow, thanks for the info. I was under the impression that the probability of a hatch after a trans Atlantic journey were slim to none? But I am up to trying once. I wonder what the import laws are on eggs?

Teresa PLEASE POST PICS! We would love to see your set up and photos of your babies.

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Hi Adam and all you other Orpington lovers, I have had a look at the defra website this morning (which is the British food and farming government website) and to export hatching eggs to America it would seem I would have to get a veterinary certificate. I will do some more research. As far as hatchability is concerned, it will depend on how long it takes and what sort of temperature the eggs are enroute, if they can breath and if they don't get thrown around too much. I will do some more research and get back to you but if anyone from your end has some information it will be gratefully received.

I will certainly post some pics - can I do it here or is there a gallery category on this forum where I should post them?

Best wishes to all

You can Post pictures under this forum category....I want to see them. I to am Orpington Mad
Welcome BTW

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