Genetics people I need Help!

No. The madness never stops Halo. Its like a cult. You're one of us now!!!!!!!!

So (in continuing with the there an initiation that Im required to do to join this cult? Or does it just suck you in before you know it....I think I know the answer to that...moving right along...) I don't really see any discernable differences between a Wyandotte and an Orp, other than the fluffiness. Im sure theres more to it that than. If I cross a Wy and an Orp, what characteristics would I look for if Im leaning more towards an Orp type chicken?

(you all are going to be really sorry....the questions never stop).
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Well, the Wyandotte will have a rose comb unless you get one with a single comb, as I have. The tail of a Wyandotte is more upright, I believe, and it has yellow legs as opposed to the white/pinky legs of a Buff Orp or the slate to blue/black legs of the Blue Orps. There are some differences, for certain, but Wyandottes can certainly be very round bodied large birds.
I'm planning to go to a big show in January (Stockton). While I'm there I'm going to try to find the Wyandotte and Orp I need to make the beautiful laced Orps ( I think I'll go for the gold-laced). So, now I've got about a month-and-a-half to build yet another coop/pen. . . . My husband's going to kill me!

Teresa, your birds are amazing!! Are the temperaments of the Orps over there as gentle and sweet as they are here?

Lori - good luck with your quest to make a gl Orp - if you are going to a top flight show you should be able to get top quality stock to give you a flying start.

Yes the Orps are very gentle and easy to handle. I have some ex-commercial free ranger hybrids which are very highly strung and difficult to do anything with - quite different from the Orps. My Cochins, too, are very gentle.
Anyone taking the plunge and intending to begin to make a gold laced/silver laced/jubilee/mottled or other colour Orp this breeding season then? How about you Lori?

On the English poultry forum I use we heard from a lady who is working on a mottled Orp.
Teresa I just saw this post. dont know how I missed it. That GLO that Adam showed on first page is out of Poland. The lady bought her stock out of Germany. I am working on a different color but have just started. Several on this board are working with me. I thought it was going to be Mottled but is more like Spangled which is in th esame family of genes unless it is an erminente gene. We will have to see. I have posted pics of my Cockeral and what I am doing. Have you seen the pics in the Breeds Sectionl?
Teresa, they are down a way. On page 5 is a subject titled I have a Mottled hen I think. Then on page 4 there is subject If you need a Orpington pic Fix. Breeds section by me. Bamachicken/ Julie B.
Hi Julie

Have found your photos and you have some great Orps - you are good at breeding blues. I have just got a splash boy in with black girls and another pen with a young black boy and 2 splash girls - I should be getting a few blues this season!

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