Geocachers on BYC! Muggles welcome

Oct 26, 2020
Hi, BYCers!

For muggles reading this thread~
Geocaching is an outdoor, real-life treasure hunt. Using GPS devices, participants venture out to a specific set of coordinates in an attempt to find a hidden container known as a geocache. These geocaches may be located anywhere — from deep in the woods to hidden in urban centers.

I am a Geocacher!


How many find do you have?

Do you have a signature swag?

What is your favorite cache type?

How long have you been geocaching?

What is your favorite geocache you have been to?

I used to geocache all the time, I had a team, and over 300 finds, including the first geocache on Oregon, but my team broke up as people moved away.
My favorite one was one in a boulder canyon, you had to find it visually (40 yards from boulder thst looks like a frog..etc) since GPS isn't great in rocks. The end was a giant 4 foot across spider (from halloween) straddling a box in a small cave.
I used to geocache all the time, I had a team, and over 300 finds, including the first geocache on Oregon, but my team broke up as people moved away.
My favorite one was one in a boulder canyon, you had to find it visually (40 yards from boulder thst looks like a frog..etc) since GPS isn't great in rocks. The end was a giant 4 foot across spider (from halloween) straddling a box in a small cave.
300 finds! I love Geocaching with a team. That geocache sounds very interesting! Do you have any signature swag that you put in caches?
I've read a lot about geocaching, and I'd LOVE to try it, but haven't had time to do it. I'm too intimidated to join, as well, if I'm being honest :lol: I think that if I were to leave signature swag, I'd make a bunch of these:

in different colors.
I've read a lot about geocaching, and I'd LOVE to try it, but haven't had time to do it. I'm too intimidated to join, as well, if I'm being honest :lol: I think that if I were to leave signature swag, I'd make a bunch of these:
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in different colors.
@black_cat When you have time, you need to try geocaching! It is difficult but very fun.
Lovely SS idea. Do you crochet?
300 finds! I love Geocaching with a team. That geocache sounds very interesting! Do you have any signature swag that you put in caches?
I don't, though I'm planning on picking it back up again, I think I'll buy strings of fancy, large beads and make single bead bracelets.
We used to have a cacher in the area who would leave tiny origami critters. I still have a frog.
I don't, though I'm planning on picking it back up again, I think I'll buy strings of fancy, large beads and make single bead bracelets.
We used to have a cacher in the area who would leave tiny origami critters. I still have a frog.
Lovely! Origami is very interesting. I love the frog origami swag.
I don't know how much time I'll have this winter, but I might try to get into it this summer.
I do! I really enjoy it. Yarn is so fun!
geocaching is very fun in sunny weather. Summer would be fine!
I crochet. It is very fun to crochet skeins of yarn into blankets, hats, and chickens!

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