Georgia/Alabama Swap Day June 13 Cedartown, Ga Ya'll Come!!!!

pic of a mini truck

These next couple of days are gonna be crazy! Robin and I are gathering all the food and getting everything together. Thanks so much to James for volunteering his house and helping, he kind of got thrown from the frying pan to the fire.
Sadly I will not be able to be there! We have farmers market that early morning and a champion softball game with grandson I rarely see.

I do have a really nice prize for the raffle. It is a surprise, so I better be quiet (smile)

I will ask a friend to bring hatching eggs and they can be purchased by the egg. That's fine with me.

Here's our page of offerings.

If there are some of particular interest to anyone, will you please pm me and I'll try to be sure and try to get some of those.

Those are "off the farm offerings" so the prices are much lower for the swap. Since there's no wrapping and expensive bubble wrap, gas to po, boxes, postage, etc. you'll be getting terrific deals.

Does anyone have any interest in some OEGB BBreds ....these are chicks who are about 2-6 weeks- no longer needing any heat lamps?

Our farm in Bowdon should be open to the public after 3:00 pm if you would like to drop by and have any money left we will have baby chicks available there, including guineas, Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, Easter Eggers and more.
Call us at 404 409 2352 if you want to come over. It's a 2 person 90 year old farm and it's not "purty" just a working farm.

Wish I could be at all places. Sounds terrific.
Oh, Nancy
I am sorry to hear that you will not be attending but want to say a huge THANK YOU for your contribution and I hope you have a lovely time with your grandson at the game and hope you sell a bunch at the market day!

We appreciate you participating even if it is from a distance and do hope you can attend the next one.

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