Georgia/Alabama Swap Day June 13 Cedartown, Ga Ya'll Come!!!!

I wish I could come- sounds like allot of people are coming. Will you guys do it again?
I'll miss you all so much... Calendar conflicts but I sent some lovely Black Copper Marans Hatching eggs for sale and also on the charity table as well as some turkey eggs (Bronze and also Royal Palm)

May all be happy and considerate of each.....Don't be fighting over the baby chickies and eggs....hehehe. I don't want to see News photos of baby chicks being pulled by two people by each leg. I'm not kidding.

To all that have not met me, maybe another meetup and you're always welcome at our farm, just call first.

Love to all and I'm there in spirit. Have a blessed day. Many thanks to James, his wife and family, Pumpkinpup, and Lockedhearts and all who helped.


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