Georgia/Alabama Swap Day June 13 Cedartown, Ga Ya'll Come!!!!

I am a late one too had to leave the swap get back to Steele Al and watch my twin sons drag race so it has made for a long day.
But I wanted to Thank everyone involved in putting the swap on
James and his family, Robin & Karen & their husbands. They did a great job on the grill with the burgers and dogs;) Thanks to EVERYONE who came out to make it an fun day, can't wait for the next one!
It was fun meeting everyone and putting faces with user names. I hade a great time on the ride up with Tammy giasmom we ended up taking the scenic route home since the garmon thought it new best But we did get ourselves back on 278 even though the garmon kept telling us to go another way home
Thanks to all that donated for the auctions the raffle drawing was Greatly Appreciated and Lots of fun:thumbsup!

I did pretty good, with the auction and I never win anything But I won 2 doz eggs bantam cochins and LF cochin/ Blue orp,the glass chicken and decorative egg. The winnings from my $5 investment on the raffle tickets paid off.
Had a great time, great reason to get out of the house and take a mini road trip. Im glad my Boston Terrier wasnt a total terror and people enjoyed his presence. Everyone was so informative and very helpful with all the questions my girlfriend and I had. Sadly with no room all we could do was window shop and plan ahead.
I see plenty of ducks, quail, and of course chickens in our future.
Just wanted to throw something out to all of you that ship out eggs or anything else. I work for the USPS and we have a new product, Flat Rate Priority Shipping, you pay a flat rate based on the size box you ship, not the weight of the box. We have 4 or 5 different size boxes from small to extra large, and again, you pay for the size, so regardless if there is 1 dozen or 10 dozen eggs it's the same price. It's whatever you can stuff in that size box, one flat rate. It is Priority Mail so you can still do tracking. This might help you and your customers save a few bucks on shipping. You can get more info at your local P.O. Pass this along to anyone you know that can take advantage of it.
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Again, we so thank everyone for attending. Next time I hope to be able to bring birds for sale, even Turkeys!
We do plan to hold the raffle again and maybe a Silent Auction as well.

So glad everyone had a good time and wanted to thank the donaters to the raffle.

Nancy aka Bargain
Roy aka rnau

Thanks to you both for the generous donation of eggs and also to Nancy for the collectible item as well.

It was great meeting everyone I did not know and seeing those I had not seen in awhile.

Karie (spotnapp) thanks for helping with the advertising ! It was great to see you again.
I wanted to say thank you to everyone at the chicken swap.
James you have a beautiful home and were great host.

Robin , Karen and husbands you also did a great job of putting this together thank you.

I had a good time and it was fun to put faces to the names on BYC. I didn't sell any of my cockerels but did sell some feeders. My son sold all of his Quail and three of the ones he traded for. He did take one home with him so he will have some fresh blood for his stock.

I was the lucky winner with two of my raffle tickets. Thank you to the donor of the very cute chicken cookie jar. (I don't know who donated it sorry).

Thank you Lee and Ginny for the two chicks. They are doing great.

Thank you Bargain (Nancy) for the Black Copper Marans hatching eggs. They are in the incubator as I type this. It was a very generous

It was very nice meeting everyone and I hope to see you again this fall.

Belgian Lady
Roxanne Janes
I appreciate all of the kind words and support we have gotten from the wonderful poultry community!

It is most encouraging and we are certain that we WILL have another swap this fall.
It was a wonderful time for all it seems

I am SOOOOOOO blistered and I still have not figured out how that is possible since I was under the concession tent most of the time

Other than that, I had one of the most enjoyable and memorable days I have had in a long time.
You guys are great! It was wonderful meeting you all!

Can't wait to do it again!
Thanks James and family for letting us use your place!
Thanks Roy and Lee & Ginny for the lovely birds and most of all for Ginny taking my last kitty, Nubbin
Also, a big thanks to Lori for the sweet mottled rooster. I just love him!!!
Me and my family really enjoyed everyone coming out to our place.It was so nice meeting everyone.Everyone was just as nice in person as they are on the BYC or as pumpkinpups husband calls it"The chicken channel".I can not wait till this fall to see everyone again when we do it again.I hope this gets bigger and better each time.I ended up with some beautiful birds.I got two beautiful wheaton ameraucana's from Missouri Chick oh and some BBS orp eggs as well.Can not wait for them to hatch.I got a trio of blue copper marans and another blue cuckoo pullet plus a ton of eggs from Lee and Genny.I got some frizzle eggs from Roy so my bator is now back to being packed out.Oh did I mention the big rabbit my daughter ended up with.Everyone is welcome back anytime they want even if it is just to visit.
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James, Thanks agian. I really enjoyed the day, it was the best. Tell your wife and kids the cupcakes I brought home for my father never made it to him. They were delicious !!!!
My hubby wanted to say it was great to meet everyone and he was happy to help and really had a good time!

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