German New Hampshire

Jeff, don't they use eggs to incubate the human flu viruses for flu shots? I do believe that the eggs could harbor the virus. It is a living organism. I could be wrong though. Often am.
Did you ever find yourself a rooster? I was looking today and I must have a dozen GNH roosters I could send you!!!!
I used to butcher back in the day but just do not feel like getting back into it. I usually just end up about giving them away. I also was looking at my Reece line Hamps and boy there is one Roos in there that is big and handsome. If I got room I might have to keep him.
I butchered 9 of those half and half NH cockerels yesterday. They were nice and tender(easily skinned) and just right in fattening(to me)they were 13.5 wks.old and the nine averaged out at 2.88 lbs.ea. and if I would have had left the skin on, I figure right at 3 lbs. would have been right on. They should be good for fryers, there is a fine line/timing to get them to this stage right between too small ie.(not much to chew on) and gangly/lanky and getting tough. Will update ya'll on the taste and how they turn out when I get the ol' spit fired up and put the guru/magic potion(voodoo) on them wrapped up in a foil blanket at a low heat for a spell. LOL

Did you ever find yourself a rooster? I was looking today and I must have a dozen GNH roosters I could send you!!!!
I used to butcher back in the day but just do not feel like getting back into it. I usually just end up about giving them away. I also was looking at my Reece line Hamps and boy there is one Roos in there that is big and handsome. If I got room I might have to keep him.
Thanks har...I appreciate that. I recently set a few friends up locally with some nice trios, so it's all good.

I butchered 9 of those half and half NH cockerels yesterday. They were nice and tender(easily skinned) and just right in fattening(to me)they were 13.5 wks.old and the nine averaged out at 2.88 lbs.ea. and if I would have had left the skin on, I figure right at 3 lbs. would have been right on. They should be good for fryers, there is a fine line/timing to get them to this stage right between too small ie.(not much to chew on) and gangly/lanky and getting tough. Will update ya'll on the taste and how they turn out when I get the ol' spit fired up and put the guru/magic potion(voodoo) on them wrapped up in a foil blanket at a low heat for a spell. LOL

Hopefully those fryers will prove to be "scrum-dill-iumptous"...I'd serve them up with some fried okra and corn-on-the-cob too
Thanks har...I appreciate that. I recently set a few friends up locally with some nice trios, so it's all good.

Hopefully those fryers will prove to be "scrum-dill-iumptous"...I'd serve them up with some fried okra and corn-on-the-cob too
Well I got the corn growing but the okra not so much. Its just now May and the Louisiana sun burns up my okra sprouts before they ever get their real leaves out and going good despite me pouring and pouring water on them each day. There's just a small window here between TOO DAMMED WET to plant then hottern HEdoubleLL toothpicksticks temps and noon to afternoon sunbeams are scorchers. I have replanted okra again with hopes I can stay on top on top of them better(may have to literally shade themLOL) and water twice daily in hopes of getting it going. Once they get rooted in fairly deep then you're good to go, of course by watering some daily (I often wonder how on God's green earth did the old timers grow stuff without well pumps and electricity) I know good and well they didn't pack water in on horseback or wagon loads because by this time the creeks are drying up here. It goes to show things change and not always for the better either(GLOBAL WARMING), maybe?


FYI did ya'll know that Okra is an African jungle plant (hot humid conditions) goes to show you how harsh conditions get here, heck i been watering water melons for a couple of weeks now in hopes of some rain soon(which we finally got last night) in hopes they will get started and rooted in then they too can get going without too much help then, oh yeah water melons originally are a desert dwelling fruit too, go figure that one out too. Looks as if Louisiana is hottern the jungle and the Sahara, Its rough here.

Hey Cindy a young fellow from AZ was here visiting last summer around June/July (humid but not hot yet, around 90*/90%) I asked him was it hotter where he just came from or here? he said here and he couldn't wait to get back home to the desert. LOL he had sweat beads dripping from him as big as horse turds he said LOL
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I got 28 new hamp eggs from Jeremy Woeppel just hatching now, only 17 made it to lockdown, and 4 have hatched. This is the worst rate so far that I've had with shipped eggs, but more could hatch tomorrow. But assuming I don't get enough for a breeding set up, I hope to buy more hatching eggs soon. D OEs anyone here have a dozen or so in the works?

I got 28 new hamp eggs from Jeremy Woeppel just hatching now, only 17 made it to lockdown, and 4 have hatched. This is the worst rate so far that I've had with shipped eggs, but more could hatch tomorrow. But assuming I don't get enough for a breeding set up, I hope to buy more hatching eggs soon. D OEs anyone here have a dozen or so in the works?

No, but I can send you some started chicks from my pure German New Hampshires. I've got an ad up for them right now.

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