German New Hampshire

Please add my name to yours lists too.
I have a small flock of a few Heritage birds, with a few cross breeds.
My intention is to replace the cross breeds, and also add a few more birds to increase my numbers.
I'd like to try to set eggs under a broody hen, so it may take a little time.
I favor pure Heritage breeds, and world appreciate you keeping me in mind.
gjensen, mine started laying at 5 1/2 months...I think that is right on pace with what the original breeders were intending. That is about what most production breeds do so I would say that they lay pretty early for a "Heritage" or "Show" line of chicken.
Very interesting thread. All of my small flock are NHs. I can't tell you much about them, not even wherevthey originated from, I just know what they came vaccinated for. 25 years ago, as best I recall, light colored NHs didn't seem to happen like they do now days. My 2 roosters are light, one even somewhat mottled or speckled looking, I've wondered if he truly is 100% NHR. I will try to get some good pics of sone of my birds and post them.
how are you all breeding the same chickens? are there different genetics in there? i sooo do not know how this works.
It is just like using a closed breeding program on these birds they don't need any added genetics or none that I've seen posted to date. The only other NH's that have been posted on here, for the 2 years I've been on here, are the production types from hatcheries. You sure wouldn't want that all mixed up in these birds genetics. If you'll read on the Good Sheppard Barred Rocks thread, they are a closed loop strain that have not had any outside blood introduced into the strain since the 1920's. There's no need when you've got a good group to work with. The only thing that a few have brought forth in this German strain is they are a little dark by SOP and the yellow(dillute) in the females hackles but neither of these faults are'nt anything that good dilligent breeding can't fix if so desired. I think they are fine to me and would probly give most NH's I've seen a good run for their money in and exibition show, in the right hands. That is you have to know what your doing to show any type bird, for sure.


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