German New Hampshire

That's very interesting. Are you trying to create a Delaware with that project Kathy?

Yes, that is what I am doing. I hatched 200 F2s, to get only 3 females to move on to F3s.









That first F2 female is pretty. Wow 200 to only get 3? That's a lot of chicken dinners

I'm so glad you'er working on these two projects, you have the best New Hampshires in the country and I bet pretty soon you'll be boasting the best Delawares. Seriously Kathy, you'll be a legend in the chicken world!

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I don't know if they will breed true. I will find out. I like the barred buff. I think I will call them Buff Barred Rockshires.

I also have buff columbian F2s. Don't know if I will work with them though.
I don't know if they will breed true. I will find out. I like the barred buff. I think I will call them Buff Barred Rockshires.

I also have buff columbian F2s. Don't know if I will work with them though.

Umm... Buff Columbian Rocks? LOL
I don't know if they will breed true. I will find out. I like the barred buff. I think I will call them Buff Barred Rockshires.

I also have buff columbian F2s. Don't know if I will work with them though.

Umm... Buff Columbian Rocks? LOL

I know! I know! Really!
This may be a dumb question but I’m still learning guys so please bear with me a little on this.

200 F2 birds to get 3 that will move on to become F3 birds….I totally get this and what your trying to do here. So then this is my question….

At what age does one decide to cull? I would have to think that you would know right away with some birds but then with others you would let them develop and mature a bit before making that decision, right? So the ones that get culled from the program early, say like the ones that are between the ages of a couple of weeks on up to 4 months of age….what does one do with all these birds once they have been destroyed?

Thanks in advance,

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