German New Hampshire

Oh my goodness Matt, beautiful birds and you sure did get good clear pictures of them. Thanks for sharing. Can't wait for mine to get to that stage. lol
Here are a few of my New Hampshires.


Nice birds Matt good job on raising them up and it helps to have stock from a good blood -line too and you can sure see it in your examples here.

I think I have your male's twin brother here; Rusty, I need to get to new pics of him my 1 hen and my 8 yearlings (4boys/and 4 girls) from Mrs. Kathy they sure are "purty". but I can't get pics to load on here so ya'll just have to take my word on it, LOL.


Ha, I figured out how to edit a post (Lord, knows I need it too LOL) So maybe in the near future I can figure out how to upload pics again on here, hopefully?
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Hi everyone, just thought that we would pop in and say hi to all our uncles, aunts, grandma's and grandpa's. We are being treated so well and wow, are we growing. Dad is taking such good care of us. We leave him little black presents in our box and he doesn't seem to mind to much so we give him some more each day to clean up. ha, ha. "Little Bit" thinks he/she is special because dad cropped our picture so you can see how much our wing feathers are growing in already. We know that we're cute even if you don't say so.

Oh my gosh, what sweet little baby dolls these things are.

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