German New Hampshire

I wonder where this picture comes from. I found it when googling, but can not read the artist's name.
I just put up some of my eggs on ebay and started them at a lower price than i usually charge,just to see how much interest their is in them.
But, really, this is just an artist's rendition of the SOP.
As I have stated before, I hate don't care for her art work. Sorry......

You know matt your right, they(APA) did have to come to a conclusion on something to go by as a picture, but even as unprofessional as I am in this breeding I can see they totally missed the color in the picture:
TAIL: Main Tail -- black
Sickles -- rich, lustrous, greenish black.
Coverts -- lustrous, greenish black, edged with deep chestnut red.
Lesser Coverts -- deep chestnut red.

I don't know how to move the picture to here but the main tail feathers and sickles are right, the coverts don't have the red edging and the lesser coverts look like the coverts are supposed to be, and they should be red like the saddles are. HUH? Besides the paint color is horrendously not right either. Edgar takes the credit for this painting too, he said so himself 'He had Jackie to change it' to this painting. We've had this discussion before on the heritage thread I'm sure it was. We even tried to get him to answer on how to lighten these birds up, what he could suggest. Around that time was the last time he's posted anything at all, just when he was trying to recruit folks to got to the NH breeders club last spring. Haven't seen hide nor hair of him since then. I wish he would come back to here and shed some more light on these matters and help out. I want to see his birds too he should upload some even though they are bantams he says they're the right color, Ok, let's see. I've only seen one on the feathersite and its a bad photo there.

Looks like a Diane Jacky picture

Yeah and that rendition looks like what is called a yellow hackle which according to a popular judge is also wrong; thats what the old timers called those light necked NHs
Boy I could sorta see why the NH breed mighta went downhill, they all threw up their hands
and said who the hell knows
what s right or not you can't even get the painter to produce two of the same birds herself IDK,

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