German New Hampshire

YES ! ! ! I look forward to it!
Kathy those Dels are amazing. I didn't mean to thread jack, I'm just so impressed with what you've accomplished. I know Whitmore Farms, Good Shepherd Ranch, and few other places are trying to or have brought back "dual purpose" to the dual purpose breeds.

As I said before I really feel thats where the NH could really thrive and see a resurgance in the breed would be as a legitimate dual purpose bird for the self sufficient/sustainable flock folks. People that would get a decent sized carcass out of excess spring roos that would be processed in the fall and still have enough eggs so your not keeping a bunch of excess hens just to meet your egg demands. With many of the breeds now you have a scrawny carcass that isn't worth raising to eat, or it takes FOREVER to get something worthwhile and your paying a ton in feed costs.

Until I found this thread I'd planned holding back a Freedom Ranger roo doing scheduled feeding to slow him down a bit then putting him over hatchery NH hens or even RIR hens to try to get a line of birds that resemble a NH by description. I had zero interest in selling any of them, it was just for my own purposes. But seeing that there are REAL NHs that actually fit the description I may not bother with that project and just focus on the NHs I'm seeing available.

Then you had to go and post those F2 Dels and I thought OH MAN those look great! lol
I dont have a set up right now where I could take any birds but thank you. Ill definately keep you in mind soon as I get things ready here.
Wow guys it's been really slow on this thread, what's everyone been doing?

I hatched my first group of NH's yesterday from my own birds and boy am I happy with the chicks. I set 12 eggs 3 weeks ago, and 11 made it to lock-down. Out of the 11 eggs, 9 hatched. These guys came out like gang busters! Once they pipped the shell it was only a matter of a few minutes and the chick was out. It's been a long wait but it was a great feeling to gets those results with my own eggs the first time out!

All I can say is............. I am sick of cleaning brooders. I have chicks everywhere. I am shipping out about 100 on Monday. (Oh, and the incubator seems to be full again)............

So many chicks...... so much work...... takes time away from me playin' with my emus.
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All I can say is............. I am sick of cleaning brooders. I have chicks everywhere. I am shipping out about 100 on Monday. (Oh, and the incubator seems to be full again)............

So many chicks...... so much work...... takes time away from me playin' with my emus.
I can so relate. Although I'm not doing any shipping, I do have many different age groups in different pens and I just hatched a batch of delawares and columbian rocks this weekend. I have 3 different age groups with my New Hampshires and it's looking like my last batch was mostly roos. I think I'd like to hatch one more batch but I think I'll wait for a broody hen and let her do all the work next time.
I just keep hoping one of my NH's will go broody so I can slip a few eggs under her and let her do the work. I don't want to end up with too many chickens come winter so I am being careful with how many I try to hatch.

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