German New Hampshire

Question about the ticking on the hens..... At what point/age should I start to see it developing on pullets (if it does at all)

I'd say anywhere from 6 to 8 weeks old, just as they are starting to get their "juvie feathers" in. and for sure around 12 to16 weeks was they go thru juvenile molt.

Just for fun GNH pics because their color is so awesome.

GNH dust bathing.

GNH sunning themselves.

You got that right on

so pretty, I am in the process of editing some now mayvbe i'll get a chance to post some onhere later if they turn out worth a hoot I'm not known for my photography too well. LOL

Quote: mbmess2003 I have some pullets shipped to me from Kathy at five weeks old. These are my first and only New Hampshires so in no way is this meant to be taken as a definative answer....just what mine have shown.
smile.png way to tell at 5 weeks old....

Here are some at ten weeks old.....still not obvious who will have ticking...

At thirteen weeks, you can start seeing some on this pullet....enlarge by clicking the pic and you'll see the start of the ticking...

Three weeks later, at sixteen weeks, the ticking is a bit more noticable.....

At 18 weeks, when these pics were taken, it is clear which pullets have hackle ticking and which don't appear to have any.

Thanks for the pics....that gives me some hope! Will just have to wait and see what developes :D went out with watermelon this afternoon to see if I could get them to stand still long of the older ones did appear to have a couple faint ticks like in your week 13 pic.
You got that right on

so pretty, I am in the process of editing some now mayvbe i'll get a chance to post some onhere later if they turn out worth a hoot I'm not known for my photography too well. LOL

LOL. I have my teenage son take my pics. If I have the camera, I'll ask him,"What does this setting do again? Why is everything so blurry?" That's the point when he says, "Let me do it." It works every time.
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