German New Hampshire

Well it seems my first batch of GNH all have split wing
I MAY have one roo that dose not... we will see. I just hatched 3 chicks from shipped eggs, and have another batch in the bator and more on the way. I hope things go better this time. They are from 2 different breeders. My GNH pullets I am going to breed them to my NH (from my neighbors flock) roo I have growing up, he has quite a bit of lacing in his hackles so trying to improve that in the GNH. He is still growing so time will tell.
One of the largest chicken swaps in Virginia was held today, Gilmanor farm swap. I took over 26 birds with me and sold out of every one. But the bell of the ball was my german new hampshire trio. Everybody just ewwd and awwd over them. A lot of folks said they had never seen such beautiful birds. I have to admit out of the 7 breeds that I raise these are my favorites. A couple out of North Carolina ended up buying them and they were so happy that they got them. I think this is a breed thats going to really garner a lot of attention in the near future.
One of the largest chicken swaps in Virginia was held today, Gilmanor farm swap. I took over 26 birds with me and sold out of every one. But the bell of the ball was my german new hampshire trio. Everybody just ewwd and awwd over them. A lot of folks said they had never seen such beautiful birds. I have to admit out of the 7 breeds that I raise these are my favorites. A couple out of North Carolina ended up buying them and they were so happy that they got them. I think this is a breed thats going to really garner a lot of attention in the near future.


Yeah outta my conglomeration of breeds and not so much breeds(the special colored ones) here, those GNH still stick out like a "sore thumb" amongst the sea of many.

I just wanted to post a few pictures of the 20 week old German New Hamps that I got as chicks from Matt1616.

They are so beautiful as well as easy to handle. They handled the heat very well too.#5


Thank You Matt. There are more pictures in my album at my profile.
Bea, I'm glad you are pleased with the birds. They are coming along nicely. The Pullets look to be almost done with their juvenile molt. The Cockerels take a little longer but look nice for their age as well.
They are coming along nicely, you will so love this breed. I'm glad you got a hold of some good stock as Matt does a good job of rearing and culling for the "good stuff". He did me well on my BR pullets I got from him.

Thanks Jeff. I really like these birds and can't quite believe they are in my coop. Matt did a great job getting them to me in perfect shape. I wanted the pure German strain. My DH likes them so much that he thinks we should get rid of the other chickens. NOT. I intend to enjoy them for many years.

One thing that is nice is that while they scratch around as usual they don't dig much. That keeps the yard looking much nicer when free ranging. One day when they were out I let my Delaware hens into their run. The Dels pillaged the place digging 3 or 4 deep holes which is easy in the sandy loam we have. The following day the NHs were back in their run. By evening all the holes were filled in and the run was back to being flat. The NHs are clannish and stick together tightly when around other chickens. They have a sense of "them" and "us" that is stronger. None have ever offered to bite and the cockerels are very mild so far.

Enjoy your BRs. I wish I had room and time for them too.

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