German New Hampshire

I been waitin to here this. I had a feeling that these NH has it in them and they were are going to do good they need to be out in the circuit, getting recognized and seen. I look at mine everyday and they aren't conditioned or nothing and they are different, way different than all the rest of my stock and not the reg. chickens either, I'm talking about my GSBR and the heritage RIRs, the GNHs stand out above and beyond all I've seen yet. They got that showiness to them naturally, somebody back down the trail has worked way hard developing these chickens and it shows too. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

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Oh yes she is a fine specimen of the breed for sure. As Walt mentioned over in the Heritage thread the lighting makes all the difference. I know this for a fact not that the pic is bad or she looks bad. Pictures DON'T do them justice and show what they really look like. I can imagine it myself that this girl is a knockout, and shes got the medals(ribbons) to back it up.

I have (along with a few others on this thread too) have the pleasure daily of looking at some of these birds one on one. I know what they really look like for real in living color. They are some of the most awesome looking birds you'll ever lay your eyes on. Even mine and they aren't kept up in a special little pen with froo froos and bells hanging from the rafters they are out with everday layers in the dirt and poop and crap right along with rest, and when you walk in, or anybody that's been here, the attention is drawn right towards them every time and the are clannish too (mine are actually finally learning to get out and free range some too) and its just a sight to behold.

Mrs. Kathy posted up a picture comparison the other day of a NH cockerel in two different frames in different lighting conditions and you could see a much difference in the colors this changes.

This what is meant by the lighting in the room not doing the pullet justice for those who don't know the whole deal J/S

ya'll dun good with her. the breeder and the conditioner

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You have me VERY Interested in them now. We went to the show in North Carolina a couple weeks ago and loved the new hamshires. Now we are interested in getting some (possibly SQ) either chicks or hatching eggs... shoot why limit myself.. even some grown ups. anyone have suggestions?


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