Get rid of the Humane Society

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13 Years
Dec 21, 2009
We need to start doing more to get rid of the Humane Society, along with Peta. Each year they are getting closer and closer to passing laws that will take what we love away from us. They are constantly trying to pass new laws making it stricter and harder for us to keep pets that many of us don't even know about. Eventually they will mess it up for all of us, because people are simply oblivious to what they are really doing. The way to stop them is by supporting organizations that are exposing them, and spreading this to everyone we know. They are currently trying to pass a law in Virginia that says only AZA organizations can keep exotic animals. Maybe it wont pass this round, but what about next? They will at least get something passed that makes it stricter, they always do. Check out this website and read up on what you can do, and if you are convinced, then click the help me tab at the top right corner and lets all donate what we can when we can. I just send $20/month. We have to start doing something rather than set back and complain.
Just to be clear, you are talking about the HSUS and not our local humane societies, right? Someone from my local humane society actually tipped me off to the scam that is the HSUS. I think the SPCA needs to go two. In the last two towns I lived in, the SPCA chapters were inactive do to financial impropriety and disagreements.
Yep, and the AZA thing is as good as a ban on private ownership, no matter how many permits one is prepared to get, education or experience, or hoops to jump through. Worked at an AZA aviary...not a fan.
Locally funded humane societies are great and usually in the know and not overly dramatic. Large scale humane societies that spread fear speech is not great. Anyone remember when a certain group try to tell everyone that Wild animals are not wild they are "free living"
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