get your onions now-- bad crop this year


9 Years
Jul 13, 2010
Savannah, NY
at least what i am hearing for here in NY. hubby just picked up a tractor trailor load yesterday( and me running to syracuse picking up a free 50 pound bag hehehe).. he said there is a problem witht he crop this year with the centers being all nasty and black so fewer ae passing inspection. Right now they told him that bag costs over $19. come thanksgiving it will be upwards 40-50 bucks. I dont know how else onions work, if the grocery stores rebag into smaller bags.. these are 50 pound bags.. but this cant be good news!!!

I thought id give you folks a heads up .
Thank you. Onions are something we can't live without in this house. With everything else continuing to rise, it's nice to know beforehand so that you can do something about it or at least brace yourself. We get some of our onions from a pick-your-own farm where I live. I did notice the black centers this year. Maybe I should stock up, chop up and freeze.

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