Getting a mixed flock


Apr 5, 2015
These are the ones I have so far
I'll be getting the rest over the next few days

I know I have a polish roo
And some americaunas, I think (the black ones?)






These are the ones I have so far
I'll be getting the rest over the next few days

I know I have a polish roo
And some americaunas, I think (the black ones?)

Middle hen, looks to be an Easter Egger. Black are not Ameraucana

White Rock hen

Red Sex Link hen

Rooster....looks to be a Delaware

Rooster...mixed breed

Middle Polish. Black left, which shows at top with reddish hackles, may be a Black Copper Marans.

All look nice and healthy. You do not have Ameraucana in any of these. Wrong color and/or no beard/muffs.

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I agree with the majority on everything but the Black ones.

I think they are Black Australorps ( hatchery ones) with "bleed through" on the hackles. I have gotten some from a hatchery that had the same red on them. I cannot see the toes/feet so am not 100%. And as always I could be 100% wrong.
These are the ones I have so far
I'll be getting the rest over the next few days

I know I have a polish roo
And some americaunas, I think (the black ones?)

Easter Egger.

Cochin mix.

Red Sex-link.

Delaware or mixed breed.

Mixed breed, probably with Red Sex-link in background.

Polish in center.
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So the feathered feet mean the white bird is a cochin or mix thereof. She may tend to go broody if you're inclined to have a momma hen raise chicks.

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