Getting a PUPPY Today! 😍🐶🐾

You're fine😉
I probably should've just shut my Yap and allowed mixes to be mixes, but...
I'm passionate about my dogs, and I genuinely LOVE mixes, but only because they somehow always turn out to be the best for me.
I think Botato is about as cute as it gets. The beagle talk combined with the Chihuahua tude makes him fun, but on steroids.View attachment 3305343

I thought he would hate water, but nope, water is heaven. Bath time is not fun, if he's in the tub and I'm outside of it scrubbing him, but if I'm in the shower he jumps in with me 😂
He also attacks the water from the hose.

I'm hoping my boy likes the pole because if not I'm afraid my arms will be yanked from their sockets.

I think the flirt pole will be a huge hit, Aslan is a runner, he could run for hours.

Aslan chases the cats, I've been working with him and now he'll stop if I holler at him, but it's gotten to the point where the cats see him and just flop over like they're dead, because no matter how hard he chased them he always licked, nuzzled and flea scratched when he got ahold of them🤣
One of the cats purrs the whole time she's being love mauled.
He loves them so much.
I love mixes like rescues and stuff and know a lot of those but I don’t think I could get an intentionally bred one hah Brew is a rescue mix and he’s amazing but yeah.

And Botato is adorable!!

Brew just hates all water lol bathes, puddles, anything. 😂 he’ll kind of wade in a little bit especially if another dog is there but he won’t go where he can’t touch. And he doesn’t like it lol

Brew loves running and chasing things too but he also oddly especially loves jumping. Like I can hold his toys up by my head and he’ll jump like he’s got springs in his legs lol and I’m almost 6 ft lol

He used to chase the cat but now he just tries to play with her 😂 or nuzzle/sniff etc. lol
People: ”what breed of cat do you have?”

Me: ”umm…a cat cat?”

”well, obviously it‘s a cat, but what kind?”

”a black and white one??”
With black and white cats if it's in a certain style you may have a tuxedo. So you would say Tuxedo Domestic Shorthair/Longhair

Yondu. Tuxedo domestic shorthair🤓🤪

Wait, serious question—is cat breeding a thing? Sorry to hijack your thread CluckmeCoop, but I need to know.
Yaaaa. Purebred and registered cats are a thing. And so is just not altering your cats and allowing them the roam free and reproduce 🙄
With black and white cats if it's in a certain style you may have a tuxedo. So you would say Tuxedo Domestic Shorthair/Longhair

Yondu. Tuxedo domestic shorthair🤓🤪View attachment 3305353

Yaaaa. Purebred and registered cats are a thing. And so is just not altering your cats and allowing them the roam free and reproduce 🙄
Huh, that’s cool Eve, thanks. Our current cat doesn’t quite have the tuxedo pattern (too much white), but out old cat was. Yondu is adorable :love.

okay, enough cats, I’m done. You can go back to the original topic of conversation now :).
My 2 cents: Our previous service dog, Karma, was a pitbull-shepherd mix. A pound dog who exhibited the necessary skills. We got her as a puppy. We never played tugging games with her, because pits, when they bite, don’t let go. They have hug jaws. Tugging games encourages possessive behavior, which could be a recipe for trouble- an accident waiting to happen.
My 2 cents: Our previous service dog, Karma, was a pitbull-shepherd mix. A pound dog who exhibited the necessary skills. We got her as a puppy. We never played tugging games with her, because pits, when they bite, don’t let go. They have hug jaws. Tugging games encourages possessive behavior, which could be a recipe for trouble- an accident waiting to happen.
Aww my pit mix is an SD too. Most amazing pupper everView attachment 3305377
Brew and I play tug all the time and he’s the least possessive dog I’ve ever met 😂 heck, he even brings me his chewies to hold for him so he can get the optimum chewing angle 😂 shares his food and toys with anybody, etc. I did teach him an out command though as well as leave it both of which all dogs should know anyway. And he listens very well. If I tell him to drop something, he will. I guess what I’m saying is if you instill rules to the game it’s fine. We take breaks and practice obedience in between and use the tug as a reward for that so it’s extremely structured and more work than play. But even if it wasn’t he’d be fine. A lot of people use tug as a reward for agility competition too. It’s a great game with a lot of benefits. Btw, only dog I ever had with a possessive or resource guarding issue was a Lab/Pyr mix. Friend has a cockapoo with that issue too. It can happen with any breed. It’s not exclusively a pit bull thing.

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