Getting Chickens back in the pen

Food/treat is always a good incentive.
But the one thing I haven't heard mentioned here is a light in the hen house... granted that won't help during the day but it does bring everyone in in the evening.: )
Get a chicken herding dog like I have!!! LOL!! She is the BEST when I need help with the stubborn ones. Other than that, train them to come when you call with food treats like aforementioned!!
When I open the door all 3 pile out, it's fun to watch. Unfortunately they have to share the yard with my two dogs who *cannot* be anywhere NEAR my birds, or else. This meant that I *had* to find a way to get the birds in and out of their coop without waiting for dusk, essentially, putting them back in there on MY schedule, not theirs.

The first thing I did was associate going back into their coop with better food than they could EVER get in my back yard, usually cracked corn or black sunflower seeds. Once they figured that out, I started gently herding them towards their coop with an old-fashioned broom. I never use it for actual contact, but I stand a few feet away from them and guide them with the broom, much like a herding dog will, this way and that.

The first time that happened my poor chickens freaked out and *ran* for the coop. Now, they're cool.

Once they got used to the basic idea, I introduced a specific phrase (for me, it's "Baaaaack to the coooop") that the chickens could learn in place of being herded with the broom.

Today, about 2 weeks after they first were allowed to roam my backyard, they're getting it. All I have to do is get behind them and slowly walk forward (this also makes them go in the direction I want them to!) and say my phrase, and they know what they have to do -- and they never resist 'cause there's always yummy stuff in their home when they get there. Today, for the first time, I didn't have to use my broom! yay! And it was a pleasant, non-stressful experience for everybody. Took about 30 seconds.

Now, some things you have to know: A) I only have 3 chickens. I have no idea if this would work with a flock that was more than about, oh, 6? B) My entire property is .13 acres. If you had to herd your chickens across vast swathes of wilderness, then perhaps this method won't work.

But if you've got a small flock and a small area . . . who knows?


Food is a good idea. Also, when they are little and just getting used to the idea of returning to the coop, you can hang a flashlight from the ceiling so it is light in the coop when dark outside...they will eventually learn to go to the light. I remember when I was training my first batch it took them about 4 days or so before they would all go in. Each day more and more would return until finally they were all doing it.
absolutely agree with RAISINS!!! I put the raisins in an old cylindrincal oatmeal container with a plastic lid, and shake the container so the raisins make a distinctive sound. I also call" CHICK CHICK CHICK" while I am shaking the container. The chickens learn to associate the sound with TREATS and will follow me right into their enclosed run. Once in, I distribute the raisins to the birds.
This has worked so far with up to 14 chicken that are free rangng over our whole place--over 3 acres of groomed yard, and a total of 16 acres.
All Great ideas!! Thank you so much for the different snack options:)

Sharon T.
My chickens follow me around the yard anytime i'm outside. This didn't allways happen . Once I got rid of the rooster and they found out I gave them the food water and treats it was all over from there. I let mine free range untill they go to bed they will go home and roost all on there own. They know where home is. just give it time and it'll just happen for ya.
All I have to do is let them see any kind of plastic bag or pail in my hand as I walk toward their coop and they swarm after me to see what treat I have. I ALWAYS treat them in their run so they love going back in no matter what time of day to get a snack. If someone is tardy I just yell "Chook chook chook!" and they haul tail feathers from wherever they are so they don't miss out.

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