Getting chickens to go into coop at night.


5 Years
Apr 24, 2014
I have seven, 11 week old Black Australorps. I kept them in their new coop for about two weeks while I was building the run. Now that the run is finished they love the outdoors. At night though, I have to pry them from huddling in the corner of the run. I have tried a light in the coop, but since there is a security light about 75 feet from the run, it isn't very noticeable. Another concern I have is why they huddle by the door of the coop after I lock them in there nightly. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank You.
That is just the way they are at that age. It takes them a while sometimes to enjoy roosting inside the coop. At that age they often huddle on the floor and can be reluctant to go inside the coop.

Just keep putting them in...they will get it eventually. It would make it easier if you had a light inside the coop that was bright enough to draw them. But no worries...they will eventually learn.
In the near future, I will be putting my chickens on their pasture. They have about an acre they can forage on. Previously, I had some chickens out there, but they refused to come back to the coop, preferring to hang out under the trees. I wondered if I could set up the coop with a small yard and then gradually extend it every few days until they got used to coming into the coop every night. I really want them to be able to free range this area, but I want to be able to find the eggs, so they have to come back. I will let you know how it works.

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