Getting double emails


Premium Feather Member
13 Years
Aug 30, 2007
New York State
My Coop
My Coop
I've been getting double emails today for a thread I'm subscribed to. (A few minutes ago 27 notifications came pouring into my inbox and half of them were repeats.)

Just thought I should let you know.
I am getting double notifications as well. I also am still getting occasional notifications from threads that I am not subscribed to. I forwarded it as requested before.
Are you two (or anybody else) still getting duplicate emails? If so, please reply with:

  1. How long it has been happening
  2. If it is all emails from BYC or just certain ones / types
  3. Forward an example to support@ back yard (remove the spaces)
1. Just since yesterday -- sometime in the early AM.
2. It just seems to be the ones from the Scavenger Hunt thread., but even then it's not every single post.
3. Will do. :)
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Are you two (or anybody else) still getting duplicate emails? If so, please reply with:

  1. How long it has been happening
  2. If it is all emails from BYC or just certain ones / types
  3. Forward an example to support@ back yard (remove the spaces)

1. Since yesterday morning but it has seemed to get better this afternoon.
2. Just threads, not PM. Even to threads I'm not subscribed to. LOL
3. Will do
I am getting double notificarions
I am getting 2 of the same emails for the update to the threads I subscribe to, they are one minute apart.
Are you two (or anybody else) still getting duplicate emails? If so, please reply with:

  1. How long it has been happening
  2. If it is all emails from BYC or just certain ones / types
  3. Forward an example to support@ back yard (remove the spaces)
since yesterday
just for new thread posts, but all of them
oops, deleted them all, have to wait for a new one.
I'm getting double emails again as well, since yesterday, from subscribed threads. I'll forward a sample right now.
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