Getting flack for killing our meaties -- and need some reassurance!

EDUCATE. People need to be educated in the right way. You need to turn the tables on them and return a question with a question. Be kind, but firm.

Also, some people can't stand the thought of killing something. Really, when I think about it, my stomach turns...I can't stand blood. But, I always say..."MIND OVER MATTER" Don't think of the process, think of the results.
I'm a country boy--born and bred--and while we didn't live on a farm(my folks were teachers) we did raise rabbits and chickens that we slaughtered as well as hunted and fished. I even trapped. We had no problem killing as long as it meant using what we killed for a purpose--apparently that has gone by the board. Between certain "humane groups" and bleeding hearts that see animals as quasi-humans we've completely disconnected from our food source. (I hate to say it but there are a few people posting on BYC that fall into that category as well.) Since you can't fight 'em you might as well ignore them. Meanwhile remember what you're doing is natural and what they want you to do isn't. Good luck.

BTW, it is a good that you're teaching your kids where their food comes from as well. They will be better balanced for knowing that lesson. I know ours are and, if anything, appreciate that food animals should be well cared for and that the taking of that animal's life is serious business that should be done humanely and only when necessary.
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ALL of you people that butcher your own chickens and put them in your freezer are TERRIBLE

Bring them over and put them in MY freezer and we will overlook it this time

i honestly think your AWESOME for raising your own food. I soooo want to do that but struggle with the butchering part. I am almost there though....LOL

Next time they are eating chicken nuggets or chicken for dinner let them know where their GROSSLY raised chickens came from. At least you know that they have no hormones or steriods injected into them and that they were raised humainly!!!!

Settin'_Pretty :

ALL of you people that butcher your own chickens and put them in your freezer are TERRIBLE

Bring them over and put them in MY freezer and we will overlook it this time


Stay strong, raise a freezer full of chicken the next chance you get and ANNOY all poo-poo-ers to tears! That is better revenge on those who poo poo on your way of life then anything else. One of my favorite things to do when the little poo poo-ers in my life come talking trash is to start singing "I did it my way" (and I can't sing very well so for them it MUST be a miserable event ) It only takes one or two of these Sinatra outbursts usually to either convince a stranger that you are crazy - then they leave you alone forever - and with family they tend to get the point. It's really hard to lecture someone when that someone is belting out a song as dramatically as possible. Funny thing I've noticed - people that gripe and complain a lot tend to be as easily distracted as chickens. I don't know why that is...

SINGING - It's like that therapy trick with the rubber band - you know the one, where you are supposed to snap your wrist with a rubber band when you say a cuss word so you learn cussing equals pain and you stop doing it kinda thing? Except with a song. If every time they bring up your chickens (or any topics you don't want to discuss with them) they get a performance like that...soon they learn to avoid the topic. The best part is you never have to tell them to drop it...they just learn to avoid it so they can avoid the Sinatra and show tunes. It helps if you are a really poor singer too - kinda like I Love Lucy bad - just have fun with it when they try to make you miserable, it's what I do. Throw people off without having to tell them off...I look at it as being the "humane way to euthanize a complaint - distraction".
My kids cant wait to process....theyre 12 and 15, dont know if I should worry? jk
raising your own food is natural and makes a lot of sense. I personally think education (they have to be intelligent enough to be educated though) goes a long way. I think also ppl try to sway you to their way of thinking so that makes them feel ok about what theyre doing. Go get some meaties asap!!!
I agree completely with the folks who have posted before me. You are doing nothing wrong, don't owe those rude/foolish/stupid naysayers any of your energy or concern, and are admirable for raising and processing your food humanely.

That being said, it seems that you were looking for a response. Sometimes it's difficult to have a reasonable verbal response, especially when you may be feeling attacked. I would probably type up a small response about where meat comes from and in what inhumane conditions with references to websites, etc. Hand it to them, saying, "I KNOW my chickens are treated well and dispatched with care before feeding my family. If you are really concerned, you should find out where YOURs are coming from."
As Forrest Gump says, "Ignorant is as ignorant does." Do these people eat meat? Do they go to McDonald's, Chick Fil E, Kentucky Fried, etc? The further we get from the farm the more ridiculous we get as a country. To those providing the flack, simply ask "Do you eat chicken." Stop the conversation there and walk away. What you are doing is the right and reasonable thing.
I try to gross friends out by renaming commercial chicken nuggets; I call them "extruded meat product/white". Preformed hamburger patties are "extruded meat product/brown". Puts everything in its proper chemical/mechanical context. I worked in an elementary school, so with the school lunch program, we saw LOTS of unnatural foods... smiley face potatoes?? dinosaur shaped chicken??
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