Getting free 4mo turkeys on Thursday [UPDATE with pics]

Can't help you with BBB or Standard, Jakes means boys and all but one are definitely boys and the one smallest bronze is a Maybe Boy. You're going to have to wait til the smallest one develops better to know for sure.

But they're no bigger than my BRs who are in the same age range. I'd be surprised if they were BBB.
A Jake is a Tom in training.LOL

And for the BBB or Standard? If all are close the same age. Then they are Standard Bronze.

I have BBW at 5 wks and RP at about 6wks old and the BB are about 2-3 time the size of the Palms.
All were bought at the feed store in the same bunch, so I expect they're the same age. Looking at them, all the bronze have blue on their heads, and most have the caruncles developing a bit. Only the big one has the dangly thing on his nose growing much. Blue means boy, right?
The dangle thing on his nose is called a Snood. Hens and Toms both have them but the Toms will be a lot bigger. Jake/Tom will have a more reddish blue color to their head. Plus the Dewlap(the skin under their chin along the neck) is bigger on the Jake/Tom.

Here's about a 3 mos old BR Jake.


I hope this helps...
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