getting grass to grow in chicken run?

I bought barley from a local seed distributor and had started growing fodder. Barley germinates in a week. I threw barley seed down in the dirt in my chicken pen and in a week I had beautiful green grass my flock eats. I keep reseeding it now instead of growing fodder. I had previously purchased sod frequently; this seemed to solve the problem and it looks lovely. Just keep watering it. So far, so good!
my issue with just seeding inside the run is that I wouldn't want to have to reseed. Too much to remember with other animals and homeschooling my child as well.I wondered about creating a large grazing frame and throwing seed under it so they couldn't pull the roots up.
I think the grazing frames might cut down on our mud issue that we have going on right now too.
Check out grazing frames !

Even if you did it on like, half of your run so they wouldn't have to walk on wire all the time, might be a good option :)

The growing frame looks great but I don't have unlimited funds for hardware cloth or ability to build. One thing I did learn is to buy welded wire fencing 1x2" or so and cover it with 1" chicken fencing. Take a 6' long piece and place a 2x4 board about 5 " from the narrow end. Using a hammer step on the board and hammer the fencing up all along. The do the other end. Turn it over and it will stand 5" high. Then cover with the chicken fencing. Keeping the chickens back (hard to do) plant your ground and sit the frame on top. Water and it will take a week or so to start getting results. If it's not sturdy enough for heavy chickens place a block or bricks in the middle under it. Cheaper and easier. Something I can do. Older lady.
I saw this on an Aussie youtube

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