Getting married but my feet are on fire

Ive heard the expression of "getting cold feet" as your wedding approaches but as it stands my feet are on fire. I just want to get it over with so I can be done with the stupid questions of "are you excited?!" And "we cant wait, can you?" The answer is: no. I cant wait. I'm sick of waiting. Ive been engaged since august and had the wedding planned completely by december. We're gpimg to apply for our marriage license this week and I'm actually tempted to just have the judge marry us that day. Luckily its by appointment only and the circuit court is completely backed up so I cant ruin my dream wedding with my own impatience. I just keep having the things that can go wrong nightmares and I'm so sick of talking about wedding stuff. I just want to get on with our lives together and be DONE. Is that selfish or is this feeling normal?
Congratulations. May you both be blessed with joy.

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